Out of the Crate


Inactive Member
Today is the first day Byron will be out of his crate while Dan and I are at work. Well, at least until noon when the dog walker comes. We've been testing him for a few weeks and he seems fine. Our floorplan is open, so we're keeping him on the main level instead of in one room. All of the cleaners are locked up and I sprayed so much bitter apple on electrical cords, outlets, etc. that the air actually tasted like bitter apple. Ew. I'm sure he'll just sleep on one of the couches and I have nothing to worry about. I'll let you all know how he does and hopefully (if he's a good boy)after a few days he can stay out all day.


New member
with my first newf i did the samething.. i was a wreck.. you are much more postive hehe.. however i kept the crate in the room and open.. when we came home there was kubi.. in the crate sleeping haha



New member
Good luck, Byron! Make your mommy proud and behave yourself! ;)

Originally posted by Nasus:
when we came home there was kubi.. in the crate sleeping haha
Hehe - isn't it great how they just get into a certain habit, and virtually nothing will change it? We didn't realize until one day when I was sick and really didn't want to get out of bed how much Morgan would stick to her routine. She absolutely refused to go outside if DH opened the door for her. She kept running back to me since I'm usually the one who does that. If I'm not home, she'll go out for him without even thinking twice about it. But if Mommy's home, it's Mommy's job, apparently.



Inactive Member
Haha, I feel like an idiot for being so worried. His toys were scattered around the house and his water bowl had been scooted across the kitchen, but that was it. Looks like he had a fun time, but didn't get into any trouble. I think I might let him out all day starting tomorrow instead of next week. He was a little goofy last night--after we took him for his walk he would go into his crate, sit down, stare at us for a minute and then let out a big bark, which is rare. What a goof!


New member
Wow, you are much more brave than I. I do however need to keep in mind that Boagie and Baby have been know to raid the pantry, lay on cats and tear apart down pillows. All while we are home... I think it is a conspiracy makes me think of mission impossible when Tom Cruise is hanging from the ceiling. If they had a harness, they would do that too.


New member
Sounds like things will go well. How old is Byron. I'm trying to plan for our future. Moonlight is 5 months today and really doesn't bother anything, but I know better than to expect this to last. I've never crated a Newf before. Always just penned them in the kitchen, so I'm not sure of the time line I should be following.

et al


Inactive Member
Byron is 5.5 months now and I did read somewhere that they should be crated for 6 months because it takes them that long to learn the "rules of the house" even when you are right there to correct the behavior. But it's definitely something that needs to be worked out on a case by case basis.