Our new website: water rescue dogs


New member
The site looks very nice. I like the picture of you and Yuma (and the rest of the newfies and owners too)!

What does De Leden mean? The trainers or something like that?

Nice work!
Shawn and Uwe


Ornella, your site looks wonderful!!! Did you edit the video too? Some nice special effects and editing w/attention to the music. The SICS video wouldn't load for me, maybe someone else will try it. It's easy to navigate, well planned, and shows your creativity with the lifesaving ring as your theme, you did a great job.


Active member
Compliments of babelfish.altavista.com, the first couple paragraphs (not exactly perfect!):

In 1999, a group set up rescuers the "international water Rescue dog Academy vzw". The objective of this association is repairs and further developments of the instinctive rescuer capacities of the newfoundlander and landseer. During centuries were the newfoundlander and landseer the most important rescue means one for the arrangement had that for saving drenkelingen. Many had to thus their thank life to these brave rescuers, who shied away from never for tempestuous weather. The price which they paid for their faithful and allegiance was high, a lot of came for during the rescue attempts. With the rise of new rescue material and, instinctive qualities improve practised rescuers were still only used as a sport-loving event water trial or water works. Thanks to these water trials the instinctive rescuer qualities of both races remained kept. The objective of the academy is thus repairs, further develop and life uses of these splendid animals in their natural surroundings. With the support of the Belgian rescue federation cursusprogramma were developed and the necessary brevetten were spent. As part of a heus rescue team "water Rescue dog team" the newfoundlander and landseer grant their speculator, who is a graduate boat rescuer, the necessary support during a rescue action.


New member
Does your group present educational programs to the schools and also..movies/films..of your work..to elder-care homes? These would certainly be of great interest and value to all, as the message is sent out, to more and more of the public. Keep up the excellent work and thank you, ina n HB


New member
Ina, thank you very much for your words...
Actually we do not do any educational programs at schools or elder-care homes. The problem with our group is that it is officially located in Belgium, but a couple of members (including me) live in Holland. In Holland we do have interest in programs like this (and also pet-therapy related things), but in Belgium there is not much interest in this kind of things, unfortunately. So while I would like to send out the message in Holland, the biggest part of the group lives in Belgium so it is more difficult to organize things like demonstrations. But we are trying. I'm trying to organize a demonstration together with the divers of the fire department. As for schools and elder-care homes I don't know where to start...I have no kids and no grandmas or grandpas...
I have plenty of ideas but no time to realize them all... Fro now my focus is on getting my first certification together with Yuma (I already have part of it), then we'll see.