One for the books.....


Active member
Well if I owned a 700.00 blue hand towel, I'd frame it! LOL! Or cut a big heart out of the middle and put Miss Mary's photo behind it! hahaha


New member
I just noticed your response,,,and..actually I did ask for the towel.. by the time I got there they had thrown it vet said it was NAASTee !


New member
Thank God she vomited it up!! You are so lucky! As you may recall, Bojie's foreign body that was removed, was ingested ONE YEAR AGO. The vets told me the closest thing to that amount of time, was a lab who swallowed a tennis ball, which was removed 3 years later. These dogs are amazing. So glad you had a good outcome. It could've been disastrous.


New member
Lucky that things worked out that way. My Yorkie required surgery to remove hair bands that she had eaten while visiting my daughter's room.


New member
Glad to hear everything worked out well in the end (minus the $700 dent in your pocket). We used to have a Pyr that ate socks with some regularity. We never saw any symptoms until she barfed them up. I can personally attest that they are NAASTY!