Off to school


New member
Well today Jake and I start advanced puppy school, and since he is in his rebellious stage this should be interesting :rolleyes: . Why I signed up for a class this early in the day is beyond me but I will let you know how it goes after we get back :D



New member
Well, the first thing the instructor did was fit Jake for a gentle lead, he was not a happy camper LOL. So needless to say it was not a great day most of the hour was spent with him fighting the gentle lead and trying to get it off :rolleyes: so my week will be getting him used to that and learning the heel command which is what the class was about today, wish me luck.


Sound Bay Newfs

Active member
It sounds like you have your week planned out working with Jake. You seem to be committed enough to make it work for both of you, so keep up the good work.


New member
Diane, you can do it! Once Jake understands what is expected of him and he gets praised and not scolded, I'm sure he'll want to please you. Kodi always looked forward to going to obedience classes. I'm rooting for you and Jake ;)

Brenda and Kodi


New member
Well this heel thing is not that easy LOL. Of course we use treats in all this, Jake is so interested in the treat he is practically removing my fingers. The instructor said this is the hardest for the dogs to learn guess she wasn't kidding. On to day 2 :rolleyes:


New member
Will they let you try a prong collar for heeling? That is the only collar that worked for Kodi. It truly is like power steering. When we go for walks, the minute the collar goes on, it's like having a Newfie joined at the hip :D

Brenda and Kodi


New member
Brenda don't know about the prong collar, the instructor just fitted him with a gentle leader but maybe it is me but I am finding it very difficult to get on him, of course it doesn't help he is fighting me all the way


New member
Diane, I used the Gentle Leader for a short time on Kodi. I didn't find it that easy to put on him because he wouldn't sit still. Once I got it on, it didn't seem to bother him that when we stopped heeling, he had to turn his head around to me. He had a mind of his own on who was going to walk who until the prong collar got used. When he knew it was around his neck, he seemed to change his whole attitude about heeling. I know you can do it, so don't give up on Jake

Brenda and Kodi


New member
Diane, I also started using the same collar 3 weeks ago. It seemed I was so
pre-occupied trying to heel Akira that I was missing most of the lesson in class. Stick with it, it really does work to control the dog. I only use it if I anticipate distractive situations as she is good on routine walks. She seems to recognise the difference and knows I mean business. She now responds better to verbal commands on and off the collar because I can got her attention (LOOK or WATCH)in the excercise. Good Luck