Non-Newf, Non-dog books we like!


Inactive Member
Don't get me wrong, I love reading about Newfs. But I also like to read fiction...

I'm always looking for good book suggestions.

What are some of your favourites?

One of mine is 'The Hotel New Hampshire' by John Irving. Coincidentally I think it does mention a Newfoundland in it, from memory! (So does 'the World According to Garp'. John Irving must have a Newfie. Or he's obsessed with bears and a Newf is the closest thing to a bear!).

At the moment I'm reading 'The Red Tent' which is a book I thought I wouldn't like but I'm really enjoying it!

Others I love are 'Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood', 'Memoirs of a Geisha', etc.

How about you?

Annie Milliron

Alpha Goddess
I'm a huge Jan Karon fan.. and adore the entire "Mitford" series. I just finished her most recent "In This Mountain". I also love all of James Herriot's books. I never finished the last chapter of his last book. That way, he still lives.

And then there's fluff.... I love fluff... romance fluff... it's my opinion that there is some fluff with a bit of substance, and then there's fluff that's just all fluff.

I love Nora Roberts... her "Three Sisters Trilogy" is wonderful, and a huge favorite of mine! This would fall under the Fluff with substance category.

Then, there're the stacks of cheap paperback romances... on my nightstand. Total fluff.... I love series books.. which seems to be a trend with many of the publishers!!!


Inactive Member
Originally posted by Annie Milliron:

And then there's fluff.... I love fluff... romance fluff... it's my opinion that there is some fluff with a bit of substance, and then there's fluff that's just all fluff.

You love fluff, I love what I call 'girly books' - stuff in the Bridget Jones style, usually funny, very light. They're trashy but a great read.

I just borrowed a whole stack of them from the library for my trip next week.

I tried the first Mitford book but couldn't get into it. Are they a bit like Maeve Binchy? I love Maeve Binchy.


New member
The best piece of "fluff" that I have read in a long time is: The Summerhouse by Jude Deveraux.

Just a great book about changing your life if you could.


Super Moderator
I don't get a chance to read very often, but one series that I have started to read and I wait impatiently till the next book comes out is "Left Behind". I didn't start reading it when it first started, in fact I think there were 4 books total when I started. The first 2/3 of the first book is so boring (in my opinion)Took me about 2 weeks to read that much, but it got so interesting that I read the remaining books in less than 2 weeks.

I also like to read Newfie books. Just finished "In the Company of Newfs" last night. I got it for Gary for Christmas. (good excuse to get it right?) Anyway I cried myself to sleep. Poor Ben, I kept thinking of Sara and having to face that dreaded day someday. Hopefully years and years down the road.


New member
Ok, I'm a little warped! I like the scary stuff. I love
Dean Koonce and Steven King also love the true crimes writings of Anne Rule. Love to go to the scary movies with my best friend also. She screams everytime and scares the whole audience! :eek:
brenda and Maggie


New member

I did the same thing with the Left Behind books. There were at least 5 out before I started reading them. I'm hooked. Just like you I can't wait for the next one. I got all my friends hooked on them. Did you know that there are videos out on the first two books?


Annie Milliron

Alpha Goddess
The first Mitford book was really slow going... I almost bailed on it, but stuck it out... the story is complex... she weaves all the town characters into the story. It's really worth it, if you can muddle through the first book.

I've not finished "In The Company of Newfies". I'm almost frightened to.

Tell me a little more about the "Left Behind" series... what kind of story is it?


Super Moderator
YES I know about the movies on the left behind series. I have seen both, but they don't compare to the books.

Annie, Left Behind is based on the book of Revelations in the bible. It is novel that follows a cast of characters; how they survive as Christians after the rapture: refusing the mark of the beast, withstanding the plaques and the rising of the anti-christ. How they set up an underground system to survive and how the Christians infiltrate the anit-christ's government. It is really an eye opener. Makes me hope that no one is left on earth after the rapture, but we all know there will be. I feel so sorry for anyone that is left behind--this book even portrays some people who thought they were Christians but found themselves left behind. These books show what it may be like, but I am sure as humans we cannot foresee the true "hell" that will be on earth.


New member
I can also recommend the red tent. A great book.

I love sci-fi and fantasy books. Historical fiction is probably my fav (thus the red tent).

Lately I have been reading a lot about dog nutrition and holistic medicine for animals...


New member
That sounds kind of scary, maybe I ought to try reading one of those books. Are they at the local book stores or a christian book store?
Brenda and maggie

Sherry in California

Inactive Member
I love the Left Behind series !! We just bought the video Left behind#2, but have not watched it.I think it is a real eye opener for us all. I even got my HB to read it, and He even liked it, in fact He is the one that bought the video.We have the neatest bookstore at our church. It is called Cafe is a Christian book store, and a Starbucks and a great Cafe all wrapped up in one...It is just the nicest place to hang out.Jennie...that was a very good discription you gave on the books. My biggest problem is finding any time to read :D
I LOVE to read!
<--- that's me every night in bed. I will read anything that keeps my interest going. I've read a ton of the Nora Roberts books...the Three Sisters trilogy was great along with the ones based in Ireland...Jewels of the Sun, etc. I go in spurts with Anne the vampire chronicles and the Mayfair witch series. Just finished Blackwood Farms which was great. I've been trying to get through the Lord of The Rings series, but am stuck 2/3 of the way through Fellowship of the Rings. The Hobbit seemed easier to follow. I'll get it done one of these days.
Great idea sharing other types of books we enjoy. I just might find a new favorite author!


Inactive Member
That Left Behind series is something I keep hearing about but never come across in 'real life'. It sounds really scary, I don't know if I'd like it. But kind of intriguing at the same time. I don't have a religious background (which is why I thought I'd hate The Red Tent, but I'm liking it) so sometimes that stuff doesn't make sense to me, I guess because I haven't had the teachings or the Bible as background information.

Annie, it was the first Mitford book I started and went, "oh, this is not for me...", maybe I'll try it again when the stack on my bedside table diminishes.

Erin Marie

Inactive Member
I love to read!!! I don't get much time with two little boys.... :( My favorite fantasy books are by David Gemmell...I swear he found how to put crack into the pages. :eek: I must buy every book and I've bought a few from amazon UK that were out of print in the US...I also like Nora favorite were the tears series.


New member
All Right Brenda! I'm a Koontz and King fan too
. I own every Hardcover King novel ever printed, and most paperbacks of Koontz. Have you read king's latest 'A Buick 8"? It's a little different than most of his.

If I'm not scaring myself, I also like fluff romance novels
. I can't remember the author's name, but she writes mostly about Indian romance I think Baker is her last name.


New member
Hi Julie,
I haven't read that one yet but I plan on it soon
. I try to not read scary books but I can't help myself. I try to read them on the weekends so I can make my dh come to bed earlier
, ya know to protect me ;) .
Brenda :D


Inactive Member
I am also a King and Koontz fan. I'm currently reading By The Light of the Moon (Koontzs newest one)but I totally missed the newest King.
I also like historical romance novels
Deveroux, Lindsay, Quick, Garwood and others. Actually any good story would do. I love to read.

Maria and the gang