Noel Update


Inactive Member
Thank you to all for the sleeping suggestions. For the last two nights I added one of my t-shirts to her crate and she has not cried once! So for us something with my smell did the trick. I feel so much better, my heart was breaking for her, but I knew i did not want to rescue her and set up a pattern that I could not live with. This pup is such a delight, please keep rescue mixes in mind, because she was so much less expensive than a pure-bred. My boys who paid for her, have lots of the savings left for classes and vet care... worked out well for all involved. You just have to be patient.. and cruise the petfinder web site everyday. Lots of pups need homes, Noel was one of 9 puppies.. all tossed away because of a family not willing to first fix their female and then not willing to care for the mother once she was pregnant. These pups had awful worms for three weeks.. thank god for the rescue organization!
SOunds like the owner wasnt very responsable! But im glad every thing is going better with the sleeping thing.You will be a very good mom! And YES than Goodness for rescue!
Until WE Nefw Again


Inactive Member
You will find many blessings coming your way for your kindness, dear girl. If more people were like you, we wouldn't need rescue organizations.


"To err is human.
To forgive, canine."