nick-names we call our dogs


New member
I was just wondering.. what are folk's other names for their dogs...
boagie, when she was younger, was called gorilla head (if you have not all ready, see post under gorilla and you will understand). As she has become older, this has turned into; Muffin Head.. or muffin, or the muffilator. When she is on a mission of distruction (generally 3-20 times a day) she is the Boagalator.
What does everyone else use as 'pet names' for their pets?


Inactive Member
Bear-Bear, Smuttley, Hoover, Hey-no-no-drop-it, Droolmonger, Speedbump and our baby girl's favorite name for him: FUZZYBUTT.


New member
Ours are big lad, baby bear, honeypup, Quit it, Fluppy, and of coarse a few Irish words that could not be mentioned in public again they are big @*@$$% or Little @*@$$%


New member
Bubba will actually recognize when Joe is calling him 'stu', which I assumed was short for stupid, and totally disagree, but have found out from an Italian friend it is 'stumenga' (sp), which is Italian for d*%head :mad: .
Monster works for me, as well as Bubbers.

Greg L

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From GAD's Newf Net Rules:
The following list of content will not be tolerated and may be closed or deleted at my or the moderator's dicretion.

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Because of rule #3 I will have to abstain from this question :D .



New member
I call Gus "goose". It's a nickname my sister came up with. She called him goose-goose when he was a puppy. The slobber is then called goose-juice and the hair is goose-down.

We haven't really found anything for Bree yet, but I am considering slinky because she "slinks" quietly around the house without making any noise.


New member
We call him the "muttley fool" or muttley, freight train,Buffalo Butt, slobber-dog,Destroyer of All Things Good,Love of My Life (gag me), :rolleyes: In respect for GAD's rule #3, will go no further.

Halli's Mom

New member
I call Halli "Angel", but my husband calls her many things such as "Muffin", "Muffin Head", "Doofus", and his latest favorite..."bubble butt".

She's my little ange though!


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Quark: The Quarkster, Goofness, Bud

Morgan: Baby, Sweetie, Sleeping buddy



Inactive Member
I call Sasha " baby pup" or " baby girl" which probably isn't real original for a puppy, but she will no doubt be called that when she is a huge adult dog also!


New member
Yogi has many, many nicknames: Yogurt, the Yogster, Monster, YogiNooooo! (a family favorite), Mutthead, Dumass (pronounced Du-mas, but you can figure out the real meaning), Bubba, Yoburt, Yobi, Baby, Mr.Yogi...

[ 06-09-2003, 12:18 PM: Message edited by: Yogurt ]


New member
Solo, Solo-olo, Sweetheart. He doesn't have many really. Leo on the other hand . . .

Leo, Leo-eo, Monkey Boy (cause he looks like a toy that was given to him that is a monkey), cutie patootie, Sweetie-pie.

Hm, not as many as I thought. They're both really good boys so I don't have any "choice" names for them. My husband though :erm: Well, he'll call Solo a cow cause Solo likes to stand outside and uhm. Just stand there. With his head down. Not doing anything at all. Just . . . stand there. lol Doesn't help that Solo is Landseer


*edited to add - I forgot for Leo I also call him Puddin'head and Pumpkin.

[ 06-09-2003, 12:39 PM: Message edited by: Khiori ]


New member
My favorite nickname is for our puppy, Bart. We call him piglet
This is because he "snortles." I'm sure that is not a word - but I think you get my meaning. It's incredibly cute. When he's getting petted and excited, he has this amazing reperatoire of snorts, grunts and oink-like sounds that made me call him "piglet. Max the mastiff was the same way as a puppy, and had the same puppy nickname of piglet.

Madison is Maddy or Miss Maddy or princess.

Walt is called "fun dog." This in opposed to Madison, who frequently give us the princess pouts and those newfie looks that say "even though I've had 25 treats today, three walks and two trips to the park - I've still got my nose in the air because I'm not getting enough attention RIGHT NOW." Walt is always happy, and never throws pouting fits or spoiled tantrums.
I'm told that I coddle Maddy. I guess I do


Inactive Member
To get Emily to respond with total enthusiasm hubby yells out Emma-Emma-doooooo!!!
(You know just like Scooby-doubie-doooo)

She loves it :D


New member
I have one more that will make you all giggle, and will prove that my little brother is one of the naughtiest kids alive....

When I was a freshman in college, and my brother at the prime of his high school life and popularity, my family got a Samoyed/lab mix. A wonderful dog. Her name was Samantha, but we called her Sam. When she was a puppy, my brother would call her name like "sammy ammy ammy ammy ammy ammy" in a really high voice, and she would get so excited, she would pee.

Well - at this time, he had all these little high school girls stopping by the house all the time. He would show them his new puppy, and they would ooh and ahh over her. Then, once Sam was sitting un an unexpecting girl's lap, Tommy would start in with his "sammy ammy ammy ammy ammy ammy" nick name, and the puppy would be all over the girl.

This happenned many times to many different girls, and my brother and his friends never tired of it.

Sammy ammy ammy ammy is still alive and 14 years old. She is doing very well, and no longer "pees" when we say her nickname.

Little brothers!!! :mad: :mad: ;)

Halli's Mom

New member
OH, I forgot to mention, my husband also calls Halli by variations of her name including:
Halli-mar or Palli-mar
and of course, my all time favorite variation:


New member
I totally forgot baby's nick names.. she is wiggles or wiggley-giggly-girl because she is all lankey and when that whip of a tail gets goin her hole body just joins right in...

Boagie is also Boagie oagie oagie.
Max is maxer or old man maxus

[ 06-09-2003, 08:23 PM: Message edited by: dogger ]