Nice walk


New member
I went for a really nice walk with obi today. We moved recently and very nearby is a series of trails in a protected green space where we have been walking. Some of the trails are paved, some are gravel and some are dirt. There are fields and bush and woods and even an apple tree.

Today we took a different path in the loop and it went along a stream and under a canopy of trees. There was a nice breeze there. The stream is muddy and a bit stagnant in paces and there are little rapids in other places though the water is pretty shallow along most of it. We even found a clearing in the woods leading to a little pebble beach but i dont think it would be a good place for obi to swim. Do you let your dogs go into such streams?

In other news obi was not happy about the kids returning to school but he felt better about things after our walk.


Active member
The thing I worry about is water quality and blue green algae. Usually moving water is okay, but you can always check with your local authorities to see if they test the streams and lakes around you. Some have that info online. The USGS also has a website that shows water quality in different areas.


New member
More of a question of keeping Traveler OUT of streams; but if it looks really ooky, I do drag him away. If running water, probably ok.