Newfoundland Service Dog


New member about a tear jerker ! Thanks for sharing.......These dogs make awsome service dogs. Lots of times without formal training.


Active member
Very touching....I wonder, though, whether it is stressful on Max to have to watch out for her all the time.


Active member
Again, I wonder.... we have a service dog (a golden) at work, and he seems more interested in what is going on around him than in being a service dog. When commands are given by his owner, sometimes it takes 2 - 3 times before he obeys them, and then he does so slowly. He is a GOOD dog, but I get the impression he doesn't really like having to help.

He seems to have a worried look on his face all the time. Maybe I'm anthropomorphizing.


Inactive Member
newfs seem the perfect service dog for calming and comforting to have that big furry hunk at your side...that huggability that makes them such good therapy dogs.


New member
one of my pups is a service dog for a young man who is paralyzed. Though she is more aware of things, it does not take away from her well being.
These dogs are amazing, and, that story was very touching.
max is a beautiful boy with a beautiful soul!


New member
Very touching. Someone close to me has had severe anxiety in the past, though she's dealing well now, but I know how difficult it can be. What a great story.


Active member
I believe that is it, Erin.

I wonder if we wouldn't all be more relaxed if we had a Newf accompany us everywhere....

...well, except for Ben....Brody....Buford....