Newfie genes


Super Moderator
Wait until she/he shakes their head and drool/slime is hanging off your ceiling fan blades!
Wait until she/he shakes their head and drool/slime is hanging off your ceiling fan blades!
That is what I was going to write.

Really I have only seen it on the ceiling once, and to this day I have not cleaned it off. It is almost impossible to see now after a year or two. But I want to keep it as a shrine to my Snuffles.

Now wait till your pup shakes his head and something like this happens. and


New member
Well today it started the same way. They petted Snuffles etc. Just then Snuffles shook his head, and a big old slobber flew and hit one of the missionary either on the lips or right by his mouth. I felt bad, but what can you do? God created Newfs and the things they do best, right? I hated to tell the guy I wasn't interested when he started talking about the Church after he wiped his mouth.
You can't even imagine how much I laugh with that story... OMG! I have to prepare myself for those awkward moments.


Active member
Oh yeah! You're just getting started! I have spifurs (little black fur blobs that look like spiders) on my ceiling (that have been there for years) and my ceiling fan blades have furry eyelash fringe like old Victorian lamp shades.