Newf Owner to be..


Inactive Member
Hey all - just found out that we (my fiance and I) may be getting a Newf - Yeah!!

In a previous post I said the my finacé works as a nurse with Helicopter Medical Evacuation and is handler for (at work) a Search and Rescue Newf, Arnie.

Well, he told me last night that compant policy is that every team will be getting their own a dog (a team is a pilot and nurse and now SAR dog). With much of their actual emergency work being done in the rural areas and bush around Ottawa (Ontario, Canada) the company beleives a fully trained SAR dog would be invaluable to the team (the dogs are also very good at calming some of the less critical patients down when they are nervous about being in a helicopter). So, my fiance says we will either be getting Arnie or a new pup - more than likely a new pup as the company owner wants to retire Arnie(he's 4 years old)from active duty and use him as a trainer dog.

Anyway, needless to say I'm very excited, either way. :cool: Just had to share.

Caroline - aka Charlie


Inactive Member
Update on the pup situation - my fiance just phoned me at work to say we will be getting the pup and it will probably be in later this year in the spring or early summer. I can't wait.
Congrats , another person owned by a newfie , He will be a very special one. Give him LOTS of love !

Until We Newf Again


Inactive Member
Charlie, you are in for a wonderful life! Newfies add so much to our homes and hearts, I can't imagine mine without one. Congratulations! Post pictures!


"To err is human.
To forgive, canine."


Inactive Member
Welcome Charlie!
Being owned by a Newf is quite an experience. I love my Newmie so much, but every time I turn the computer on, he tries to see just how much stuff he can fit into his mouth like right now. But of course it's all stuff he isn't supposed to have.

But he is my sweet baby and I love him dearly and don't think I want to be without newfies ever again.



Inactive Member
Thanks everyone - as I said I can hardly wait. I'm sure once we get the pup I'll be pestering everyone with TONS of questions.