New picture of Chewy

Oh thank you for posting a picture of Chewy! I read his rescue story this morning, and I am so excited to see him! You are doing an awesome job with him, he really looks at peace, and you can tell that he knows he's "Home". I will be sharing your his story tonight at the dinner table with the family.


New member
Brought tears to my eyes, to see him looking so well-cared for---sweet,gentle and handsome after his horrendous beginnings. Glad to have you back, Scott. Will Chewy come to the Nationals with you and Bentley?

luvxl k 9

New member
Are you sure that's the same dog? I think you pulled a switcheroo on us. Seriously he looks fantastic, love his smoochable face!


Active member
He is simply adorable. Love the "spiked do".
Thank you Jeannie for pointing out Chewy's story. Very touching and heart warming. Chewy, you ROCK.
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