New Bad Habit


New member
Uwe is 16 months old. He has started biting at me when he gets excited. He doesn't break the skin, more along the lines of when he bites down and feels skin, he stops. I have tried yipping like I did when he was a puppy and that doesn't seem to have any effect.
Any suggestions?

Shawn and Uwe


New member
I am no expert but Benson actually solved this problem for me by himself. As a puppy he was horrible with mouthing when I would come home and get his greeting. I tried all sorts of things to stop this behavior. Finally he started grabbing a stuffie, a shoe or his kong before greeting me. I think this helped his control over the mouthing. It is such a strong urge with these guys.

Maybe you can try to give Uwe a favorite item of his to mouth when this behavior happens. Stop him from mouthing you, offer his chew toy and praise him when he takes that. It might help.


New member
Macy does the same thing when she is excited or when I come in from being gone all day. It is a real pain!! I agree yelping doesn't help. I try saying "off" or if nothing else I have to hold her mouth. I don't think that is the right response from me since she takes it as a play thing. I am intersted in hearing some helpful hints too!!!