never leaving my side


Inactive Member
I have a 8 year old female newf who reasently started following me everywhere I go in the house and outside in the yard. She will not only follow me from room to room, but will also go into the walk-in closet with me. She will lie or sit behind me when I am working at the kitchen counter. She does not follow any other member of our family and never did it untill about 2 or three months ago. The Vet said she was not sick. Does anyone know why this is happening?


New member
Mowlgi follows me everywhere as well. The joke is that I did not rescue him...He adopted me. Everywhere I go, he follows. I go upstairs.... clink, clink, you hear him on the stairs. If I am outside and he is inside, he will begin howling. If we are outside and he is not close to me, he will start diggin in the dirt and howling.

Mowgli was found as a stray, and we think that I am his security blanket now, hence the following.

I have no suggestions for your being followed, just wanted to offer an additional situation!



Staff member
Newfies seem prone to being extra-lovey - so much so a term was developed - velcro-dog.

Congratulations! You've got a velcro-dog!

Cozy's my velcro dog, and Daisy is my wife's.

Sure suckes when you're impatient or forget they're there huh?

I would call this just part of having a Newf. Enjoy it.



Super Moderator
Samantha has to follow me around all day. She even sleeps at my side of the bed and I cannot get up without stepping overher. Even when I am working she sleeps right under the table and gets dog hair all over her. When I go into the bathing room she follows, when I go upstairs she follows. When I go to the bathroom she follows and if I don't get the door shut tight she opens it and comes on in
She is my velcro newf especially when I am cooking or just anywhere near the kitchen



Inactive Member
Sampson is my velcro dog!!! I work at home and he is always following me around. It can make it tricky to work sometimes, or even move my chair in my little office. But, the rare occasions that he doesn't follow me, I wonder where my puppy is! The cutest thing is that normally he won't go upstairs to bed unless I'm on my way up too. He'll wait on the stairs and watch until he knows I'm behind him to go up.
Our kitchen is a favorite for him too. If I would only drop a little food!