Need quick advice re:cart


New member
I'll be leaving tonight for a halloween parade. I'll be carting with my dog. I was just told the group would like someone's nephew whose 2 yr. old to ride in the cart. I never had anything but balanced weight in there. Could I pull this off? Chumley is 160 lbs., the cart is good up to 400 lbs (if I recall correctly), but I don't know how much a 2 yr. old weighs. It's more the shifting of weight...Is this do-able or is my dog at risk? I'll add that NOTHING seems to bother or spook him when he carts. I believe the route is 1.5 mi. with no hills. Any input will help me.


Active member
Average weight of a two year old is around 30 lbs, I think. The only things I would worry about is (a) the child's comfort. My two year old granddaugher complained that the cart back was not comfy. A pillow or two will come in handy, a blankie if it's cold, a toy to cuddle (b) A parent should stay at the child's side to make certain he doesn't try to stand up or crawl out of the cart or to help him if he gets frightened.

Chumley will have no problem with this weight as long as the kid doesn't shift around a lot. Most of them sit pretty still, hang on to the sides and love the ride. A mile and 1/2 may be too long a ride for a little kid, so don't get surprised if he gets restless.

Just a quick idea...will a car seat fit in the cart? This would secure the baby for safety's sake, be more comfortable and feel more normal. And it may help balance the cart. He might even doze off.
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New member
Thank you ever so much. I'll pass all this along for the child's sake. I'll be relaxed now knowing I won't be hurting my dog. I think it's to be around 30 degrees tonight, so I'm not sure I'll last much less a toddler.


New member
Thanks again Jane. Sorry for the dark pics, but I had no streetlights in this area of the parade. The little boy was so cute in his dinosaur costume. You were right...he lasted about 10 min., then wanted to walk the parade just like the adults. While he was in the cart, he was in charge of the dog biscuits for handouts. At one point, the whole parade was at a stand still while they cleared a parade float that was hit by a train! No one was hurt. I had to laugh when one group of partiers started playing Who Let the Dogs Out real loud on stereo speakers when we walked past. No vid on that though...sorry.



Active member
Aw phooey. It says the video's are private. Anyway, I'm glad you had fun and Chumley was a good boy.

A train hit a float...???? That sounds awful!


New member
I had to edit each vid to make public. Apparently, private is now the default. Try again...

It was a fun parade. All I heard was that no one got hurt when the train hit the float. It might be in Mon. newspaper.


Active member
Oh that first video with Chumley looking in the cart is precious! He looks like he was really enjoying himself. Thanks for sharing!