Need a yee-ha and encouragement


Inactive Member
Ok. I did it. The day after xmas. I went on a diet. Dragged my hubby into it too, though he only has, max 15lbs to lose to my forty. I went on the hated Atkins, My last resort diet because of the monotony of the regimen.

I've lost 14lbs in 11 days, so I can't complain about the results, btu Lord help me, my tastebuds are so bored, i think they've been huddling up in secret under the cover of my tonsils plotting a revolt. I live in a family of cooks, some professional. I'm used to eating a different regional specialty ever day with a variety of spices and flavors and texture. And now there's just meat, and an occaisional vegetaable.

In case you haven't guessed, I'm closed to throwing in the towel, not because I'm hungry or tired or anything that would be a legit reason, but simply because I am bored. I would hate to do that now, because in another 14 lbs, I'm having a pack up the fat clothes party and celebrating with champagne and chocolate.

So I'm open to harrassment and tough love to keep mee on the straight and narrow. <G>


New member
Holly -

Stay with it!!

My fiance lost over 60 lbs on Atkins. I understand the boredom, but STAY WITH IT! It will be so worth it when you can fit into your skinny clothes.

And I'll be joining you. I have been losing weight slowly buy surely for the last six months, and am now at a plateau. My motivation: A little (and I mean LITTLE, dammit!) white dress that I'll be wearing at the end of May. ;)

My other motivation, and one you can use as well, is to strive to weigh less than your Giant breed dog
My goal is to weigh less than Madison. Your's can be to weigh less than Isaiah when he is full grown ;)

And I'm a vegetarian. Good grief. I'll be having fish, shrimp and tofu for the coming weeks. Talk about bored....



New member
I know so many people who went through the same boredom. My sister lost over 40 pounds and used a bunch of these recipes

She loved the eggnog things and the chocolate crunch. I looked at them but never made them.

I have constantly battled with my weight and when I get a craving, I go to the health food store and get these sugar free mint chocolate wafer bars. Mint seems to enhance the flavor of the sugar free chocolate. Stick with it! You can do it! Just think of how far you've come in such a short time.


Inactive Member
I'm sticking.. took the edge off with a coffee sweetened with splenda. I find the 2 week mark such a hard hurdle. I think I just get it into my head it should be over with at 2 weeks when, in reality, I'm just beginning.

I can't begin to open the chocolate door. Chocolate is an ogasmic substance. I love everything about it to excess. I have a ton stockpiled for post diet. Belgian truffles from this candy store hubby found when over there. (fortunately bread is my weight gain food) Hubby once asked me that question about if I had to give up one, sex or chocolate, what would it be. He was shocked when I said sex. He accepted my logic that when he's 90 and I'm 95, he's probably not going to be that interested in after hours, but chocolate would still be there, waiting for me, and as this was a long term question, I had to consider all the ramifications He acccepted it, but he still brings up an occaisional what if scenario so I dont' think he's totally embraced it. <G>




Inactive Member
is it healthy? basically, the Atkins diet is perfect for Diabetics as carbs are what jumps blood sugar (have relatives who are and havedramatically reduced their insuln requirements as a result of diet) and those with hyppoglycemia as a life time way of eating. The induction phase I am in only lasts two weeks, so it poses no risk to most, but I woulnd't live like this forever. <G>

IT is very educational from my standpoint as to what makes me gain weight. All this year, I've tried weight watchers, jenny craig, etc. Never lost a pound (and I walk 6 miles a day) it was to the point tht they were going to test for hypo thyroid. Fortunately, since this is working, i know now what I do need to do to lose weight. When I am down to my desired weight, I will go back to my low fat way of eating, but what I won't be doing is using carbs to fill in for the fat I'm taking out. And most of those low fat dressings and stuff are loaded with carbs)

I worry that I'm sending my cholesterol through the roof, but my main concern is my blood pressure which was creeping into the hypertension zone, so I figure if I shoot my choleterol up for a month, but bring my blood pressure down, then I can work on the cholesterol later, the more immediate danger being high blodd pressure.

If you have health concerns, you will need to talk to your doctor. Especially if you have high blood pressure or diabetes as weightloss and diet can change your need for medicine. My Aunt almost od'd on her blood pressure medication because she was losing weight (Jenny Craig) but not checking in wiht her doctor. As her weight went down, so did her blood pressure, but her medication stayed high. Probably not teling anyoone anything they dont' know, but since my Aunt unknowingly put herself at risk, I feel obligated to point out the obvious.

With the Atkins diet, you will nto feel hungry ever as you are allowed to eat meat, and cheese, and eggs, whenever you want to. You are never supposed to stuff yourself, only eat until you are satisfied. In the induction phase, You can have 2 cups of lettuce vegetables and 1 cup of other vegetables daily and that's it. You cannot have any bread, sugar, pasta, rice, dairy with the exception of some cheeses) no artificial sweeteners except splenda, and you cannot have caffeine. Like all diets you must drink 8 glasses of water a day. you are allowed 2T of dressing as long aas the carbs don't exceed 2 carbs per serving.

I haven'r cleared the induction phase yet, so I'm not sure what the allowances are in the next level up. But that's the induction phase. And for every single person I've talked to, it works great.

And MJ, I dont' think you are allowed to eat soy. I skipped that part as tofu just gags me mo matter how it's done, but it nags at the back of my mind that it's not allowed.




New member
Holly both hubby and i went on it, lost some but not that much, was on it for about two months, well to tell you the truth, we got bored, plus all the meat you buy gets awful expensive.
we just decided to try low carbing ourselves and after jay leaves i am going to try the gods diet that codes is on, kinda the same thing but different, i could not stand not having my salad, broccoli or green beans.
i had horrible cravings for them.......
good luck to you, i know many who stuck with it and have been succesful, it is wise though to keep doing bloodwork on a regular basis at your doc office!


Inactive Member
I do miss my excessive veggies. I live for my three cups of veggies a day. And we won't discuss my love of fruit.


New member
Maybe we should say that you know your a grown up when you prefer veggies to junk food? well, I do, anyway.

Having alergies to eggs and pork, adkins doesn't work well for me. what's this gods diet?


New member
I've been living on a modified Atkins diet for two years. I originally tried it to lose a few pounds, but when I gave up wheat products (bread, pasta, etc) I found that I felt sooooo much better! I no longer had that constant tired feeling; I didn't get as many headaches; didn't have PMS or mood swings (ok, not as often); had TONS more energy (a great benefit of eating the Atkins way). The food doesn't have to be boring. All I cut out were the foods made with flour and/or sugar, limited my potato intake, and watched the starchy veggies. You can eat all kinds of fish, meat, cheeses, veggies, fresh fruits...and you can use spices to give things more flavor. I personally love steamed broccoli with American cheese melted on top...yum! The induction phase may be a bit boring, but when you start to add fruits back in, things will look better to you. (When I was in the induction phase, I really missed the orange juice).

Hang in're doing great! Remember not to think of this as a diet, but as a lifestyle change. If you're just dieting to lose, you'll likely gain it back when you quit. If you're making a commitment to stay healthy and fit, then you'll change the way you eat forever, and probably add more physical activity to your days, too...then your health will improve for life.


Inactive Member
It's been 11 days and I'm not seeing this energy surge. I normally walk six miles without breaking a sweat. I carry my cell phone now in case I have to call someone to pick me up. (wry grin) Quite a comedown for a normally hyperactive person who can do fifty things at once. I've already decided to cut down/out most of the wheat products post diet. i am obviously carb sensitive which is why w watchers and the others didn't work for me. My sister had the same problem.

Oh, and my husband is huffing because I havent' posted how much he's lost. He lost 10 lbs already. he does deserve a medal for entering this hell with me. I didnt' ask him to join me. He just knew I needed the support and volunteered. I offered to let him off the hook several times, but he figures we should suffer together. Such a sweet man. Second husband, of course. Made all the usual mistakes with the first.

Just a question, How exactly should I work the next stage. The book is rather confusing.

Holly 11lbs away from the pack up the fat clothes party.


New member
Hey guys,
Codes is on the "Gods Diet" there is a book you can order at amazon.
it is really kind of the same, no sugar, no hydrogenated oils, i think though you have a bit more freedom with the starches???
i didnt start earlier becouse i still have no stove! LOL
i already found chips and cheetos made with sunflower oil at wallymart!!! goood stuff to, so i am hoping with a few of these changes i can modify the diet to fit my low cook methods! LOL
Congrats to holly and hubby, i must say though my husband after 3 weeks was feeling sick on the atkins, it works for many but not for some, and i noticed men can drop a lot easier than women! :mad:


Inactive Member
I think that's the whole key, finding a diet that fits you. Everybody processe food differently. I've spent the last year doing every diet imaginable and not losing a pound. (tlak abotu discouraging!) We have always eaten low fat. Truly low fat and not just a token effort. We've spent 8 years making over recipes into less than 15 percent of calories from fat, yet we still gained. We both exercise daily. I was, quite frankly, amazed when Atkins took the punds off. Atkin is a calorie restricted diet nicely cloaked, but still calorie restricteed. Which only makes sense as you do need to control intake. (He says in his book that this is important) The only difference is that it takes out carbs. I'm losing like nobody's business, so it must be the carbs that have been holding me back. For whatever reason, if iI don't cut them out, I'm not going to lose weight. I'm just thrilled after a year of fruitless effort that something is working. And all this talking about it has me recharged and determined.
Thanks and good luck to the rest of you on your diets!



Active member
Thanks Holly for the explanation. I'm too much of a veggie freak to give them up. Gave up meat once though. I think I may study this Atkins diet and see what his points are and see where I can modify it to use veggies instead of so much meat. I'll cut down on the carbs though. I really need to but never out as I love pasta.