

New member
well i have major decision to make, i really wanted to show sydney, but with the diahrea that everyone got last year i simply cant afford to bring something home to my guys here, i dont have isolation area, i dont have friends without dogs, or the ones with dogs, dont have isolation.
when we got kennel cough, our vet said it was real heavy in our area, it cost me 400$ to treat everyone, emmett did not get it, imagine that, but we still treated him.
so, i just cant afford to bring something home, yet i want to go.
oh well.
i guess i will sit tight and think on it some more.


Super Moderator

I guess the crude was in the grooming tent last year. None of our dog got anything but then we were not in the grooming tent. You could show Syd but just stay away from the enclosed confined areas (like the grooming tent) If I show Adam that is what I plan to do. I don't want to take a chance on infecting our precious Sara. At her age things like that would kill her.


New member
What ever was going around the national last had nothing to due whether the dogs were in the grooming area or not. My dogs where in the grooming a good part of the time and were never sick. Yet I have friends whose dogs were never in the grooming area and were sick.


New member
Joan is right. I had Emmy in the grooming area last year. Thank doG she never caught it, and we were only one row over from several dogs that became ill. I know several dogs that were shown that never caught it, and dogs who were no where near the tent that got sick. I think it only appears to have affected only the dogs under the grooming tent, since the majority of the dogs attending the National were there to be shown in conformation. They would have had to spend some amount of time under the grooming tent. Close quarters isn't the only way the crud and other communicable illness get transfered. I think the key is to limit time confined in tight spaces, like the grooming tent, with the other dogs. Also, humans are often the easiest way to transfer germs from one dog to another, using the same grooming tools on multiple dogs without disinfecting; sharing crates; rooming with multiple people and dogs in the condos; people not picking up after their dogs, etc.

Christine, I would go and enjoy myself. The National is so close to you this year; it would be a shame to miss this chance to show Sydney. Just take precautions and limit time of exposure to other dogs. Hope to see you there! :D


Super Moderator
Sorry if I mislead you. It just seems that everyone I talked to that had dogs get sick were in the grooming tent.

My dogs never got sick and we were all over the place.

I would still go and enjoy yourself and show Sydney.


New member
Thanx guys,
i still am thinking about it.
i would groom syd at home, bring him there,i prolly wont blow him off due to having done him the night before, and not wanting to be in the groom area, and knowing the weather here, one time i was outdoors grooming and the water i spritzed on him turned into ice! LOL
i will show him,when we loose! LOL he is still young needing his chest, than i will bring him back, clean feet on him and i with bleach, spray him with flea spray when he is done, and pray he doesnt catch something, i dont want the judge to touch his mouth, i think that is how many germs are spread, i wonder, are the judges getting away from touching the mouths and letting us show the bite?
the UKC is good that way, they tell us to show the bite.
these guys were up to date on bordetella, the strain they got was not covered.
Another question, i want to show him in bred by exhibitor, but many advised me becouse he is landseer that showing in the AOAC class is better?
thanx guys for the reasurrance.