Name My Barn Cat


Inactive Member
I am picking up a new "barn cat" today. Rescued him from local shelter - he is feral and beautiful. He has no name. Would love something Biblical but am absolutely stuck. I thought of Barney but my husband says he'll divorce me (LOL) - I like it.

Anyway - would love your creative ideas. He is a siamese/tabby mix - beautiful - looks IDENTICAL to my boy Elijah - almost creepy.


Inactive Member
Not Biblical, but my barn cat was named Houdini. He had more lives than I can remember.


New member
My thought was..Barnei, because it would honor..where he came from, and lets face it..some important situations..have happened in mangers..and to avoid the spelling of..that purple monstrousity.
ina n HB


New member
My animals usually get named by looks so I'm having a tough time helping without a pic! ;) I like Jonah 'cuz of the fish thing.


Inactive Member
Well, it's a toss up between Jonah, Ishmael, and Barnabus (the prophets call Joseph Barnabus which means "son of enlightenment" from the Books of Acts.) My mock trial class (I'm a coach) is at a Christian school and when I asked them for ideas you wouldn't believe the names they started spouting off. Of course, they all carry bibles...... If I chose Barnabus, I could sneak through the back door with the shortened name of "Barney" - slick huh (LOL)