MY Stimulus Package/Recovery Plan


New member
Jim's Stimulus Package (Not that, get your mind out of the gutter!)

AKA Poor Mans Smoothie

Being that I don’t own **** anymore other than my new immersion blender (25.00 at Target, a huge expense for me) I have had to be creative with this back woods recipe!

Place 2 cups of ice in a freezer bag that you will be willing to sacrifice to the recovery plan and close.

Take a hammer or other blunt object sufficient to kill a man and smash the ice to bits. Small enough for a child to choke on.

Open dead bag and put ice into a 12 -16 oz glass - 16 oz is the best!

Pour in 2 or 3 oz Bacardi Dark rum and blend with new toy

Top with errr ummmm Pepsi! It’s on sale!


I recover from this every morning! :beer:



New member
I couldn't find a blunt object so I put the ice in a kit bag and ran over it with the car a few times. Is that ok????


New member
sounds like the end of a perfect evening....but tonight I tried vodka and fresca cuz it was one sale....not bad!


New member
Sounds good but..having just listened to a 3 hour spiel from a 'large corp. enitity' as to what my house needs as to a siding..I will pass on the rum..(I do have a half bottle o Bacardi)..and have the whole durn ale..sigh..I am tired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ina n HB n Kesa


New member
Ina - Save your money! With this economy, you might just need it. And........ those contractors are hungry and are probably going to go high on their price to compensate for little work out there this year...... And take you in the process! (Advice from a former remodeler)


Active member
Ina, I feel your pain. We had our house resided last summer. Do you have the dreaded, (gulp) LP siding?