My baby's growing up!


Inactive Member
It's all happening so fast! Just a few days ago I noticed Byron's adult teeth starting to break through his gums and a couple of his puppy teeth were getting very loose. He would paw at his mouth and whimper a little, so I've been giving him lots of chew toys and his Chilly bone to help the process along. Now he's already lost four of his puppy teeth and his adult teeth are growing in so quickly! And yesterday I noticed that he is starting to sprout some adult hair along his spine. I had been checking at the base of his tail every day, but it's still puppy fuzz down there, so I was pretty surprised when I saw his adult hair coming in! I'm so excited! But I can't believe it's only been eight weeks since we brought the little 20 lb. pundle of fuzz home. I definitely need to post some pictures of him, but my home computer is broken. When it's fixed (hopefully tonight) I promise to post some.


New member
Maybe a small chew stick..from an outside he can blend the in-house goodies..with some intro. to natural 'chews'?
Enjoy enjoy..for they do grow so quickly. ina n HB