Must haves!


Inactive Member
My new landseer boy will be joining our family at the end of Feb and I was wanting some advice from all of you experienced newf owners on what was the best thing you had on hand for your newfy puppy. Toys, beds, snacks, etc...anything! Also I have heard not so good things about rawhide, but what about things like pig ears are they bad too? TIA!!

PS-this wait is torture!!!


Staff member
Check out my Newf-FAQ at for starters.

Rawhide is bad, pig ears are better, Knucklebones are best IMHO. My dogs LOVE pig ears, but the cough and hack the whole time they chew them. They are a rare treat anymore, and they get them on special occasions.

Best toy - kong - hands down. Plenty of plushies too. You'll need things handty to hand the pup in lieu of biting your fingers and toes.

Get a copy of Judy Adler's book if you haven't already. The link is in one of the current threads (sorry it escapes me at the moment).

Lots of towels. Trust me on this one.

Anyone else?



New member
Ok heres my suggestions
~Buy stock in the paper towel company of your choice NOW cuz you'll be buying alot of it!!!

~If you get a bed remember how much you're pup is gonna grow in the oncoming months. For a full grown Newf you're lookin at about aprx 50" around for them. I have one that sleeps on hers and one that burrows under hers to sleep!
~Also a crate (one that you can divide off for now so you can expand as they grow so you dont need to keep buying new ones.
~stuffies, kongs, tug ropes,
~adjustable collar or harness (or both) but you want to again make sure it can grow with your pup
~Lots of film, and keep the camera handy if you gotta find it you'll miss the shot

I know I've forgot tons of stuff, but the others will fill in!!

Keep us posted!!!

Maggie, JoJo, Alex, & Destiny too
Really good carpet cleaner ,the kind that cleans up pet stains and lots of paper towels! water and feeding bowl ,CRATE, a must have and a HOLE LOT OF LOVE!


Until We Newf Again


Inactive Member
If your pup is flying in, grab a couple of bottles (LARGE) of Pedialyte for him to drink in lieu of water for 24 hours to help with dehydration. You may want to get it anyway for the depression he may feel by being separated from his littermates. The electrolytes in the liquid help when Newfy babies feel blue.

I never go anywhere without a Chamois! Its absorbant qualities are unrivaled and will dry a full-grown Newf in 3 minutes flat. I got mine for $15 bucks at Petco but you might be able to find one cheaper. Auto stores sell them, too.

Treats. LOTS of treats. Newfy babies will center all their attention on you if they know you've got yummies.

A soft, happy voice and a heart full of love.

A cheap, clock radio to play softly next to your boy's crate at night. My Nani does her token whining (lasts 30 seconds) then settles down to listen to the lovely classical music. So soothing!

Patience! Lord above, do you need patience!


"To err is human.
To forgive, canine."

[This message has been edited by Kanela (edited 01-21-2002).]


Inactive Member
Thanks for the link GAD, I had previously read it, and bookmarked it for reference to refer back to, I find your FAQ highly informative...and for the rawhide, pig ear scandal-I have no idea what knuckles are, sounds just about as appetizing as pig ears!

Thanks to everyone for responding, and keep me in mind if anything else pops up!

You guys are great!


Inactive Member
I can only let you know what Ese enjoys/needs thus far:
- Stuffies (plush toys)
- Spinach balls (I have a recipe - if anyone is interested - and no dog in our training class could resist them - believe it or not)
- His bed (I got a huge one in anticipation of this growth.)
- His crate (I was very apprehensive about the whole crate thing. It seemed like a "cage" to me, but he loves it. He is on a schedule and now "crates" himself. Just walks right in. If I'm late I always find him in there looking at me like "I love ya but..a little privacy please momma!".)

- What Kanela said (If I could I'd have Kanela be Ese's Godmother or something just incase something happened to me. She nailed everything else IMO!! I wish I'd known about the Pedialyte. He had bouts of the blues for atleast a week or so after seperation from his littermates and mom.)


Inactive Member
Miyax, that's a compliment indeed! I've never been a Godmother to someone's Newfy (or any other pet, for that matter) and I would be honored. Heaven forbid anything should happen to you but I want you to know that I would gladly open my home to Ese if he were orphaned.

But that won't happen, will it?


"To err is human.
To forgive, canine."


New member
I just thought of another of Maggies favorite toys (ok she just tossed it at me so it was easy to think of it)

A large Wiggley Giggley ball... a neighbor gave it too her when she was about 5 mths old. at that time it was too big for her to pick up with her mouth so she just pushed it around. It keeps her occupied more I think cuz the noise is random, with all her squeakys she knows just what to do to get hte squeak. With the ball its always a little different. Now she can carry it around in her mouth and she uses her nose and all paws to push it (kinda like doggie soccer) She also likes to lay on her back with it up in her front feet. I figure the first time she drops it onto her own face that one will stop. But shes been doing it for months now without dropping it!

Maggie, JoJo, Alex, & Destiny too


Inactive Member
Yes, a crate is a must and lots of towels. I spent like a year's salary on toys for Newmie before I got him and when I brought him home, he wanted to play with 2 liter coke bottles (some w/ a few pieces of dog food in them for noise)!!!
Stuffed animals are also a favorite if they have squeekies in them.
Buy LOTS of food. Newfs eat a lot of food when they are young because they grow so fast.
Also have patience and lots of hugs, kisses and love.
