Mr. Stinks


New member
Ozzy has a rather unpleasant smell coming from his, err, "hind". He has not had any loose stools, there is no, ehemm, "residue" in that vicinity so I am worried it could be impacted anal sacks? No scooting, no going after that area, though not sure he could due to wobblers. Thought about a sponge bath in that area, which he will HATE, and then thought if it is the anal sacks its not going to do any good. Thoughts? Suggestions? It really IS an unfortunate odor.


Inactive Member
HMMMM, a back end problem eh? sounds to me like i'd pass it off to a vet if it doesn't resolve itself soon.

i think if it's those anal sacks, they find a way of emptying like it or not!

good yuck, uh, a mean luck LOL

diane & kai


New member
If it is the anal sacks, the odor is "unfortunate" as you, so gently, put it.

See either vet, groomer, or get out that rubber glove!


Active member
Now THIS is why I love the raw diet!! :D
Don't have to deal with that smelly stuff ;) .

Hope you find out the cause of Ozzy's odor and that he's fresh as a daisy soon


New member
I do have a newfie care book that has basic steps to relieving the anal sack, but any tips on how to do it and not really upset my poor pup? Ugh! :eek:


Super Moderator
I can tell you how to give relief by extracting them externally. Internally is better but a vet should do that as you can rip the rectum.

Here is how to do them externally.

Take a paper towel in your hand (SO the liquid will be expressed into the towel and not your hand or all over the wall) The anal sack are located at 5:00 and 7:00 below the rectum. You have to get under the sacks and push in and up at the same time. (Of course it is good to have help to keep the dog standing and to hold the tail out of the way) I'd say you should start about 1/2 inch below the rectum in the area of the sacks. If you cannot get anything then slide your hand down a bit.

One thing. You can tell if the sacks are full by looking. If you see two buldges then they do need to be cleaned out. Just a note: Do not clean anal glands on a regular basis. Dogs will extract them naturally when needed (Most of the time) If you start extracting them for the dog the muscles will soon stop working and you have to extract them or have them removed. Sorta like when a person takes a laxative--if they take too many the muscles quit working and they cannot potty unless they take medication.

Anal gland cleaning is a veterinarian procedure. Extracting them externally gives a few days relief until you can schedule a vet appointment. I am done


New member
i find it helps to find them by holding the tail straight up, and it is one of the most horrid smells on this planet.


New member
Well, we donned the surgical gloves and I tried 3 times, jesse tried four times and nothing came out, though his poor bum looked pretty swollen. We came to the conclusion that we did not do it right, then after consulting our book and the net that we did and he isn't impacted. "But the stench!" I kept saying over and over. We decided to give him a sponge bath and now think that he "took care of it" and the offending smell was the reminents on his fur and unde rhis tail. Smell seems to be ( mostly) gone, he finally pooped and had a little ice cream treat, he STILL loves us and is running around the house with one of his hide a squirrels trying to start a chase.
Do you all think it could simply be the reminants of it on his fur?