More loveable after the snip?


New member
So, I've noticed that after having Thor neutered he is a lot more loveable than he was. I wondered if anyone else noticed this happening once they had their boys or girls fixed.

Thor is also finally eating like normal again and back to 3 to 4 cups of food a day thankfully. There were times I worried about him just not eating enough.


New member
i feel like Kayak got more affectionate after getting the snip. It's almost as if he could now devote his energy towards belly rubs and snuggle time, rather than getting into mischief.


New member
Never had a male to get snipped, but I really didn't notice much of a change in Bri after her spay. She always has been the adoring velcro type. :)


New member
Chumley got fat after the snip. His personality remained the same. I was hoping he would become less dominant and pushy, but that was not the case.