

Inactive Member
Last week it was a time when people here put their funny costumes on. On saturday my familly attended this small carnival nearby. I'd made Misha a costume too. She was gonna be a ladybug. I'd made her costume out of a big red fabric. I just cut the dots out and put it on her (Well I didn't even try to add palps).

When I dressed her in her costume, she'd given me that look - like saying "I really don't know why your doing this to me, I didn't do anything wrong..." If she hadn't been so cute I might even take it off.
But when we came to the carnival, she was a big hit. I don't think there was a single person there that didn't notice her. And that completely changed Misha's attitude. She was walking among people like a queen, with her head raised up high and her tail softly waving. She knew everybody liked her and she was sooo pleased. And so was I!

Mirjam & Misha
(btw, I was a butterfly)


Inactive Member
That sounds so adoreable. It is amazing their reactions when they know people are looking at them or talking about them.
Did you take any pictures. I would love to see her in her costume.


Inactive Member
That is so funny!! I got Newmie a ladybug costume for Halloween and he was ADORABLE. He never minded wearing it, antenna and all. I took one look at the costume and knew that Newmie was meant to be a ladybug!



Inactive Member
I took some pictures, but my camera was acting very strangly - I have to buy a new one. If the pictures will turn out good, I'll post them. I really hope they will!

Mirjam & Misha


Inactive Member
Ooohhhh, I hope those pictures come out! Nani wasn't born yet last Halloween but this year, we've got big plans! I have no idea what I'll dress Nani up as but we're going to hit the schools in a wagon filled with goodies for the kids. I can't wait!


"To err is human.
To forgive, canine."


New member
Assuming Quark is of the size we're anticipating by next Halloween, the plan is to dress them up as SUV's. Morgan a Chevy Blazer and Quark a Suburban.


Inactive Member
I really hope those pictures come out!!! y'all have me thinking (trouble for Ese)...maybe I'll dress him up next year as a professional wrestler!

A tribute to his Newfoundland:
"... beauty without vanity
strength without insolence
courage without ferocity
and all the virtues of man without his vices"
- Lord Byron, 1808