

Inactive Member
My 7 month is losing hair on his eyelids think its mange anyone ever treat this problem in this location?What would treatment be?


Super Moderator
Take him to the vet. They can do a scrap to see if it is mange. (don't bath the dog before taking him) There is a series of shots they can get to kill the mange. As well as other treatment options. Very serious situation and very contagious to other dogs. See a vet ASAP

Jeannie and the rescues
Sara, Samantha and Panda


Super Moderator
Reread your post. Mange usually starts in the warm places like groin or under the arms or on the eyelids. Check the other places. Don't take this casually. My vet also told me that fronline SPRAY is good for treating mange. One pump for every pound of body weight. For a newf it can get very expensive. Have your vet check it. It could or could not be mange.

Jeannie and the rescues
Sara, Samantha and Panda