male after neutering


Inactive Member
Hi guys!
This will probably sound like a stupid question, but Isaac is our first male dog. He's 2 y/o, and was neutered two weeks ago.
Here's the question. He came home from the vets the day after his surgery, two days later we saw our own vet (he was a pound puppy, so no choice on the vet doing the neutering) who gave him a quick check, including his incision. She said that he'd definitely been neutered, and that his scrotum would eventually shrink down. So why is his scrotum so huge now? It is bigger than when we brought him home, I would automatically think infection, except he has no fever, shows no signs of sickness and has put on 4 lbs. in that one week.(he weighed 98.5 lbs. when we got him). So, OK what gives?? Is this normal? Like I said, he's our first male dog, so if this is something that is typical, let me know. Thanks! J.


New member
Sometimes there's a fluid accumulation in the sac. If that's all, it will be absorbed. But watch it. Moniter his temp and if it gets bigger or he shows signs of discomfort, take him back to the vet. Keep us posted. And good luck with your new boy. Newfie males are such loves!


Inactive Member
How is your boy now? Has the swelling gone down? Did the vet by chance tell you when the testosterone is suppose to be gone? Or does it dissappear totally? The reason I am asking is because Boomer get's neutered on Jan 5 and I was just wondering what to expect. I'm hoping that once he is neutered, the other males will play with him at the park. Now they smell him and either try to attack him or seem afraid...even if he play bows.