Love our local pet resort!


New member
Today we went and toured the place because well..I just HAD to see where my baby will be staying for 9 days in May when we leave for Mexico. The people are super nice and I loved it! After looking around, I am going to spend a little extra money and have him in a bigger/quieter area to sleep. We also are going to pay for him to have 3 plays times as well. This place is not cheap at all, but all the awards won from local and state levels just makes me happy. I really love the fact that I will know the play schedule and will be able to watch him play on their webcam feed from Mexico! What was super nice is after the tour that let us pick out a toy for Thor to take home to him and he was not even there with us!

There is just something special about knowing your love will be well taken care of while you are away.:kiss:

What is really awesome, is they have a small two foot deep salt water pool the dogs can play in during one of their playtimes and they even have life jackets. Thor is going to just love it!
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New member
My husband has had past dogs stay there and they loved it! I'm taking Thor next Friday for a few hours of playtime to start getting him use to the people and place.

Where in Mexico will you be? We are going to Cabo.


New member
That is awesome! Isn't it a relief to know he'll be well taken care of while you're gone?

Also, I want to go to Mexico in May. I'll tag along with your or Charlie, I'm not picky.


New member
Sounds lovely! This will actually be my first time out of country and the first time leaving Thor for so long. When he was a few months longer he was at a boarding place for 5 days, but not 9 days. It will be nice not having to take care of him, but I'm going to miss my pester monster!