Karma Organic


New member
Has anyone out there tried Karma? It's made by Natura, as are California Natural and Innova. I'm considering it for Henry, now 18 weeks, but I'm wondering if the 20% protein is too low ? Here's a link for anyone interested: www.karmaorganic.com

Ohana Mom

New member
I haven't heard of it. Is it new? Where we shop carries both California NAtural and Innova - but never heard of KArma. What about it makes you want to consider it?


New member
They don't say what type of chicken, meal or otherwise. two different types of wheat, way to much grain for my liking. I never trust names that try to give you a sense of peace.. LOL
Organic does not necessarily mean better. They may grow everything in that form but how will they keep it from spoiling on the shelf would be my question.. so i would assume they are using a preservative of some kind.. does that not defeat the purpose of Organic ? JMHO in any case.

[ 09-07-2006, 06:59 AM: Message edited by: Nasus ]


New member
Haven't heard of it. We're using the Timberwolf Organics kibble. Here's their FAQ page, about "Why Choose Us". Why to Choose Timberwolf Organics

I've found that it's actually cheaper to buy directly from this site, too. Free shipping.

[ 09-07-2006, 08:16 AM: Message edited by: BoundlessNewfs ]


New member
I still feed some meat, egg, and fish oil with the kibbles, but not all the time.

It just got to be too time consuming. Lucy had started demanding that her meat be "pan-seared" before serving...LOL. She'd "blech" it out, if it was completely raw. What a pain.

They're actually doing well on the Timberwolf, and Lucy's ears/skin look clearer, too. Obviously, I hadn't gotten all (of whatever else she's allergic to) out of the diet we were feeding. She's tolerating the Timberwolf Southwest Chicken and Herb very well.


New member
THAT's the truth! Our girl is certainly a princess. Ever since we found out that she has a grade 5 out of 6 heart murmur, we've given her anything she wants. (Luckily, she doesn't have many symptoms yet.) Gee, we're raising a spoiled brat, though....came up to bed last night, to find her ensconced on our bed, draped across our pillows, no less.


New member
Thanks for the feedback everyone. Karma is one of many brands that I'm considering for Henry as we need to change him over from Canidae. It just hasn't been agreeing with him. Anyway, during my research here, I couldn't find anything on Karma, so I thought I'd throw it out there for critique. I guess the lack of chatter about it should've been a sign that perhaps it's not the best for our pups.

I'm sorry to hear about Lucy's condition. It sounds like she's in the best of hands, though!



New member
Give Lucy lots of love. What better for the heart than love?
Isn't Karma supposed to also be all organic. The others are human grade products but not organic while Karma is organic. At least I think that's what the difference is. Does anyone else spend hours in the pet store reading all of the labels and comparing them?


New member
I never heard of it, but did look it up. There's a USA Today article that discusses Karma...and it's prices. It's a mere $50 for a 15 lb bag. :eek: :eek:

Here's a quote and a link:

Meanwhile, rival Natura Pet Products makes a 95% organic brand dubbed Karma that fetches up to $49.99 for a 15-pound bag.

I knew it would be pricy...but wow!

I guess the lack of chatter about it should've been a sign that perhaps it's not the best for our pups.
I don't think it's the quality that's the problem...it's the price. And, with that price, few stores would carry it.

[ 09-08-2006, 12:12 PM: Message edited by: Ardeagold ]


New member
Wow, that is costly. Strangely enough, it is sold here at Booth Feeds, which doesn't seem like a high-end store, but who knows. They appear to provide food for a plethora of creatures.

I decided to give Fromm Chicken A La Veg a try for now. I probably would've done even more research, but Henry had all but stopped eating the Canidae and he was starting to look too thin, so I made an emergency decision. So far, he really seems to like it, but he's still a bit under the weather from his last distemper on Wednesday. His stomach is in an uproar and his poor little face has broken out in hives. Vet has prescribed Benadryl for the hives.

Oh yeah, I have to read the label on everything; much to my husband's dismay! :rolleyes:


New member
Why did his face break out in hives? From the distemper shot?

Or did they give him a 7 in one shot...or give him, perhaps a shot for Lepto?

Did he have to go back to the Vet after the shot? What did they say it was from?

We had a dog that had a horrible reaction to his first Lepto shot and had to run back to the Vet's office. They said that this innoculation often causes problems and they had to remove that innoculation from his future regimen of shots.

I hope he's feeling better soon! Poor boy!

Oh...and be careful switching food. SLOWLY mix in the new with the Canidae. Give a little more new every day. It should take about a week. Or you could end up with a mess!


New member
On the shots...Lucy had horrible reactions to her rabies vac, two years in a row. Luckily, the second vac was a 3-year shot so she got a break. We could see this spring that the hotspot outbreaks and hypersensitivity to everything else was a result of the rabies vacs the past two springs, and not just bad summer allergies. She's had almost no hot spots or itchies this summer (except when she eats beef or cat food).


New member
Has anyone out there tried Karma? It's made by Natura, as are California Natural and Innova. I'm considering it for Henry, now 18 weeks, but I'm wondering if the 20% protein is too low ?
The only thing I would check is the calcium level in Karma - check that's within an acceptable level to be feeding to a puppy. I didn't see that info on the website.


New member
I'm assuming that the hives are from the distemper vaccine. According to the receipt and his shot record, that was the only shot that he received this time. This was his third distemper since we got him at around 8-10 weeks of age. His typical reaction is loss of appetite, some loose stool, and vomiting once per vaccine. I don't know if it makes a difference or not, but this dose says "Distemper yearly" on his record, while the others have all been called "Distemper series". Maybe the yearly is more potent? When I called the vet's office yesterday, they said to give him 1 1/2 Benadryl tablets every 8 hours and to call them back if that didn't help. It helped somewhat, but we still had a very rough night. He didn't want to sleep and was scratching often. He seems better today, but I'm not looking forward to next year's vaccination!!

As for the food switch, I gave him him a mixture of the Canidae and Fromm, but he would take a bite and spit most of the Canidae pieces out! :rolleyes: I'll continue to give him both and hope that what little bit of the old food he gets will keep him from having digestive issues.


New member
You may want to read up on yearly vaccinations. I run titers on my dogs and have only had to boost one dog one time in 3 years. It's definitely worth the extra money for the titer, especially if you're getting such a reaction. Even the Therapy Dog International (TDI) no longer requires yearly vaccinations, only every 3 years.


New member
Thanks Leslie. Very good to know that there are other ways to do this. I will definitely look into this further and discuss options with Henry's vet. It would be great if he only had to get his vaccinations (especially the distemper)every 3 years!


New member
A lot of dog owners are doing titers now. We haven't given a vaccine or booster (other then rabies which is required by law) in over 2 years.