Jordan doesn't leap


New member
I know that sounds strange, but its true. My husband bought a boat. I took Jordan down to see it. Jordan would not jump the distance from the deck to the swim platform, which on one side was 5-7 inches. Even on our walks he doesn't quite get the idea of jumping across a teeny-tiny ravine. I know I can get him onboard with a plank, but the larger issue is getting him used to jumping/leaping. Already tried food encouragement...didn't work. He's not afraid of the boat, its what he considers that huge expanse of nothingness. Can a dog really think himself out of doing something? I would appreciate all helpful comments. Am I missing something?


New member
Wash does not jump/leap/any variation like that at all. I've barely even seen him ever get 2 paws off the ground.

Joan Fisher

New member
You need to have a dog friend show him. My Tiika has learned so much about bridges, walking across planks, jumping over fallen trees in the woods, etc. from her dog friends. She learned to go down noisy metal stairs with holes in them from my brother's 6 year old Newf Barnacle. When Barnacle visited us this weekend he was crying because we'd crossed a creek on a 2"x4" plank and he was afraid. 8 month old Tiika went back across to him 2-3 times until he followed her across. After that he was fine and crossed back on the way home with no hesitation!

Susan Ferree

New member
I find this interesting. Isabella doesn't jump up on anything. She will climb if it is low enough. Its like she doesn't know she can jump up onto the bed or couch. She has started jumping up to greet us. We have 4 other dogs who jump up on thins all the time. Isabella just hasn't figured it out yet I guess.

M & M's Mom Linda

New member
Max goes off the boat like he goes off a couch,,,one foot in front of the other and then of course...his whole body slides in and he is underwater! I know he can leap...he leaps over our stream, he does a flying leap onto the couch. It is something we will work on this Summer!


New member
Bella doesn't leap...she sort of falls off the dock into the water. She has never been a jumper either on us or anything else. The only time I really see her jump is over fallen trees, Murphy or up at trees chasing birds and squirrels. It may just take some time and practice to get him to learn to jump.

Lisa@Caeles Hills

New member
My Rafee used to run up and bowl over my poor Golden until he got scolded so much now he runs up and leaps over the top of my Golden, Carmel. Don't know how, or why he learned this, he's just naughty. Watch...someday I too will want him to jump into a boat and he'll probably act like he cant get his feet off the ground! :D


New member
You need to have a dog friend show him. My Tiika has learned so much about bridges, walking across planks, jumping over fallen trees in the woods, etc. from her dog friends...
I was thinking the same thing. My dogs have learned from others.

luvxl k 9

New member
Apache never jumps, he always climbs to get up on our bed. Beau on the other hand has jumped up on things since day one. His first conquest when he was 10 weeks old was our couch, and I do mean from day one. Now baby gates mean nothing to him and he even jumped the 4 foot side of our pool one day and landed in the water swimming! You should have seen my daughter and granddaughters faces. They were in the pool at the time.:shocker:


Active member
4 years old is barely at the end of puppy hood for some Newfs, so yes, he can still learn.

First, make sure he is physically sound. If he is reluctant to leap, it may be a symptom of some other problem.

If he checks out OK, then try teaching him to step over a 2x4 on the ground, then a very low (4 inches) hurdle. Then start making it wider rather than tall. A bobbing boat may be asking a bit much right off the bat (or boat - LOL).

Another dog that knows the ropes will help many times.


New member
I've seen the photos in this forum of the newf that magnificantly leaps off a pier, so in my mind that's the standard. So in some way I don't feel so bad now, reading the other responses of newf's who climb but don't necessarily leap. Jordan too is a couch climber. He tried to jump into the back of the Jeep the other day, but couldn't get his butt off the ground, same with the bed.

Quote: "First, make sure he is physically sound. If he is reluctant to leap, it may be a symptom of some other problem."

I believe Jordan to be physically sound, his reluctance is more mental and a lack of confidence. Thank you for the pointers. Are there any newf's out here in Orange County CA that can be a good instructor for Jordan?