joining the cruciate club


Active member
Raven started limping slightly in October and we have tried conservative management.

Two days ago l let her off for her first run.
She couldnt put her foot on the floor and even though its improved its not right.

Vets this morning straight after night shift and a specialist referral

Does anyone have any advice over whether Tta or Tlpo is better for a young active dog


New member
We have had two TPLO with our Lab. Our Ortho Surgeon felt the TPLO was better due to his size. He's a 95+ pound lab.

Maybe it's better that you didn't get the rescue just are going to be very busy with Raven's surgery confinement and rehab.
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New member
We didn't do surgery, but in my research it seems that TPLO is better and more stable for larger dogs. TTA is easier but may not hold up as well with a big dog. I know many others will be able to chime in.

Poor girl. I hope the specialist gives you some good info.


Super Moderator
My Samantha had 2 TTA and both held up for all her life. She was always a very active newf. She got her DD and TDD after having both legs done.


Active member
Just waiting to get the referral date.

It will be at least a month before we know on the rescue but it doesnt phase us as we dealt with Maxs tpo and cancer and jessies back legs all at the same ttime.its more a case of allocating quality time plus we have all the rehab stuff here already so we know what to expect this time.

Obviously we hope its not a cruciate injury but it does point that way atm.

If we can do conservative management before surgery we will try but does depend on what they find.


New member
If had to do TPLO surgery I would be more inclined to go the CBLO (CORA based leveling osteotomy) route. It's a modified TPLO surgery, recovery faster. If run search on internet can come up with information on it. The surgeons who developed the procedure are down in Texas. From newfs done that I've seen they tend to recover quicker.
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New member
Steve Elwood at Kirton near Boston is the very best surgeon for TPLO . We have done 2 TPLO surgeries when Winston was younger. Certainly not fun but it only at the grand old age of eleven and a half that he is now having some problems getting up and down but can still do daily walks at his own pace. Good luck.

R Taft

Active member
Katy had a TPLO 3.5 years ago. I have nothing to compare it to. Just that she is back to doing everything. Our Ortho vet did say that he thought her recovery went so well, because she was very fit from swimming. And she did her injury and had surgery the next week,,,,he called hers a footballers injury as we heard it happen, very loud "snap"... not long term or genetic. It is a looooooonnnnnnng recovery and rehab. I was very strict and stuck to the physio to the letter. Longest 16 weeks in my life, but so worth it


Active member
Just doing my check lists now.

Rubber non slip mats. Yes
raised bowls if needed. Yes.
safe area for recovery. Yes.
Stair gates . Being made so her sister cant pull them out of the way for her.
Long lead for garden visits Yes.
Plenty of help them up harnesses. Yes
Painkillers for her and me.Yes
Big comfy duvet for sleeping downstairs with her.Yes.
Ladder and physio equipment . Yes
Tens machine for pain relief Yes

Anything else l need ?

Also vet did say yesterday she has good muscles as l have been working hard on massage and rehab exercises just in case so she doesnt get freaked out so much.
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New member
We are in week 9 of the 2nd TPLO for our Lab and the main difference between this one and the first one is the addition of the 2nd Newf to our pack. We have had to scrupulously keep McGee the 2 year old Newf from running into our Lab when we go out in the yard for a potty call. Even with the Lab on leash the two Newfs tend to run around and they have taken me out at the knees by accident...when we first brought Gibbs our Lab home we took him out for potty breaks all on his own.

I would worry that your Newf's sister still may want him to play but maybe she will realize he can't play and will want to nurse him :heart:

R Taft

Active member
We had a very large pen..... not a crate but a 5footx5foot pen. katy stayed in, unless for her hourly walk as per our physio.

I never used high bowls and she stayed in that crate until week 12. was allowed out only when we were right there to supervise. we have a rule in our household of no inside play and everytime wqe have a new puppy or a dog in rehab i am thankful for that rule. As things are always quiet in the house.

I do have a physio program book if you are interested, just pm me with your e-mail. It is really detailed and worked well for a few newfies recovering from the same that I have shared it with

Puzzles......nina whoever (?) puzzles. I have about five different ones. They have traveled the local newfie group for injuer dogs and post surgery dogs and work really well, to keep the brain active and it actually tires them . We only play withthem together. My dogs still get exited when they see the boxes as they love it


Active member
Specialist visit arranged for friday 5th,just watched the supervet and there was a lab on there with a suspected cruciate and it was cancer.

So now l am hoping like hell that it doesnt get us third time in a row and that its just a leg injury.
Ronnie pm'd you.


Active member
Well so far there are no obvious cruciate or ocd signs from the xrays,she has an inflamed knee joint which has been flushed through and is on metacam and restricted exercise.

If this doesnt work then she will go in for an exploratory operation


Super Moderator
Poor puppy, hope it isn't necessary to do surgery. Presumably you have insurance?? Did you find a better insurance company?


Active member
Oh yes l have $24,000 £12,000 of insurance per year for her and l went with the top insurance firm in the uk.higher premiums but worth it to not be out priced ever again.

I never want to have to choose between health and money again.