Itchey, scratchey puppy


Inactive Member
Hi All,
My pup is now 6 months. Aside from an infection in the growth plate of his elbow he has been pretty healthy. The past month he has been scratching like he has fleas. (we use advantage every 4 weeks) He noshed on his hind end till a crusty sore developed. He isn't doing the typical allergic licking of his feet, doesn't have a red belly or ears. He has had a bath or two. I brush him every day and have noticed lots of flakes and he's a bit smelly. He is on a lamb and rice corn. He is loosing his puppy coat so is kind of in the inbetween uglies

Any suggestions as to how to proceed. Is it more grooming related or diet? Should I be adding something to his kibble?
Any thoughts? Thanks


Super Moderator
If he smells like dirty socks he has a staff infection in his skin. (I use to work for a vet and he said that was a major clue) See you vet. Also you may need to use a anit-bacteria shampoo. I get a shampoo with Chlorohexadine in it from my vet. Expensive but well worth it. At first I used it every week till the flaky and itching stopped, then at least once a month. Again ask your vet. Have you tried adding some kind of oil to the food? Fish oil, veggie oil.......there was a lot of posts on this not long ago. If you live in an area where you have your heat on the skin of your dog can dry quickly. We put lotion on to stop the itching and flaking, but dogs cannot. I suggest a humidifer in your home and a hot oil treatment for your dog. See a groomer or buy it and do it yourself. It is very easy but time consuming to do.

Sam has allergies too even though her ears are clear. She likes her feet and scratches. I give her benedryl. Also when you shampoo your dog be sure to scrub the shampoo between the toes and pads of the feet. Many people forget that. Oh, another thing that can really cause itching is shampoo residue. You must get all the shampoo out of the coat. I cannot stress this enough. You will not believe the dogs that come into my shop and they suds up before I put shampoo on them...and the owners don't understand why they are itching

Jeannie and the rescues
Sara, Samantha and Panda


Inactive Member
Thanks for the advice. I couldn't believe when I read the gym sock comment. We have been saying for a couple of weeks that is what our room smells like (his crate is in there) And he does. Not real strong just like he needs to wash his gym bag

He sees the vet on Friday to be I'll call and ask about a staph infection before he goes in.
I've been calling a groomer who was rec. by another newf owner in my area....The phone just rings and rings so I drove over. Her door was locked and her hours were posted as, Sometimes I am here at 5 or 6 or 7 sometimes not till noon, otherdays I'm not here at all unless I was here all thru the get the picture, are all you groomers so independant ?

Thanks again.....running out to buy oil today,


Super Moderator
No all groomers are not that unrealiable. I am a groomer and I try to bend over backwards to accomodate my customers. Last Monday morning a customer had to be at work at 5 so I let her drop her dog off at 4:30 A.M. Yes I said 4:30
I have even helped my customers on Sundays if that is the only day they can make it. If I were you I would look for a different groomer. Where do you live? I am in Greenville, OH. I have people with newfs drive from as far as Indianapolis Indiana (over 2 hours) for me to groom their newfs. Sure wish I could help you

Jeannie and the rescues
Sara, Samantha and Panda


New member
Dirty socks...that's it! I thought I was the rawhides that smelled like that. I never realized that a dog could get a staph infection in their skin. Kodi goes in two weeks to the groomer and I'll be sure to mention the anti bacterial shampoo. Jeannie, sure wish we lived closer, but I think it's more than a 2 hour ride from NY to Ohio. To get a grooming appt around here, you've got to book at least two months in advance.


Super Moderator
Staff infections usually require an antibiotic to clear it up. See your vet, but still ask your groomer to use the anti-bacteria shampoo--NOT a tar and sulfer shampoo.

From what I understand all dogs have staff in their skin. At times the dog, because of stress, allergies or other factors, cannot "control" the staff. That is when they get an infection. Staff is also not contagious to humans or other dogs

Jeannie and the rescues
Sara, Samantha and Panda


New member
I am a groomer, now i only groom mornings to about 1 in the afternoon, my tendons are starting to go out on me.
when i had my shop, my door was locked while i worked from noon to 3 oclock, otherwise i just could not get my work done, for safety of my dogs i could not keep putting them away if someone walked in, or if they were in the tub i refused to leave them to go in front. no way.
i am not going to get up at 4:30 in the morning to let someone in, rather i ask them to have a family member drop the dog off at a decent hour

wow jggrosch
you are nice.
i learned that i cant be that nice or they would trample me down with taking advantage of me, i think it depends on the location you are in also.
just becouse that groomer is independant doesnt mean she is not good.
i would ask some of her regular customers first how reliable she is with her individual customers before i pass judgement.
good luck!


Inactive Member
I sure hope I didn't offend any groomers. My "are you all so independant" comment was really made tongue in cheek. I was chuckling that it sounded like she was there alot and sometimes just closed the door to get some peace
And I was envious as a business owner myself...who would LOVE to just lock up sometimes.
I'm sure you bend over backwards for your customers....and I really appreciate your expertise on this board as I am so very new to all this.
So Jeannie, how long would it take me to get to Ohio from San Diego??
My pup actually got his first big boy grooming today. The woman I had been calling was mortified as she had the flu, was home, and her teenagers had promised her they had put the shop on call forward... and
turns out you were right, I was a rinse offender and his skin was dry. I shall leave it to the experts from now on.
We are now well oiled, looking handsome, and have a standing appointment.


Super Moderator
Yes, Soap residue is the reason for lots of skin problems. I am glad you are happy with your groomer and that your guy looks handsome now. California to Ohio??? I think it would be better for me to come to southern sunny California than for you to come to cold yucky Ohio
Do I see a tax deduction vacation???? Only in my dreams!!

Jeannie and the rescues
Sara, Samantha and Panda