It sure is quiet around here!


New member
We dropped Owen off at his breeder/handlers this afternoon. They're getting him ready for an upcoming show. He was so excited to see them. He hopped right into their van (with his stuffed octopus). They take such good care of him and I know he loves to go with them, but on the other hand, It's very quiet around here. I actually made dinner without having to open the door 20 times, and I never thought I'd miss having to step over him to make my way through the kitchen (but I kind of do). I'm suffering major Owen withdrawal already. It's going to be a long week.


New member
i give you credit, becouse i just cannot send my syd away. :(
i would miss him way to much. :(
good luck to him this weekend.


New member
Sounds to me like you need another one. Wanna borrow a crazy border collie for the week? When Stoli was gone for those two days, I missed the wet feet from the water bowl slop. Hope Owen wins.

[ 09-17-2004, 05:56 PM: Message edited by: Leslie ]


Active member
I know that feeling well! I bet he'll do fantastic. I'm looking forward to hearing the news.


New member
I'll let you know how he does. There's going to be a lot of competition so I'm going in with no expectations.
We're heading out for the weekend. Talk to you all when we get back.