If I was President...


New member
If I were President this is what i would do..

1. National Medical Plan for everyone.. no age limit. Included in your tax $$$, we would just buy two less bombers to pay for it. :D

2. No more free everything to every country.. sorry but our heats are to big and our wallets to small.. we need to take care of our own first.

3. Pork added to bills in congress would be outlawed.. u want something for your home state, county, whatever.. make your own bill to send up to capital hill.. i might sign it i might not.

4. A magnifying 7x mirror in every bathroom of the White House.. a girl needs to look her best :D

5. Puppy Mills would be a federal crime.. period.

6. Hire more and train more customs enforcement agents.. to check every ship that unloads in our ports.. not the random we do now. If we can find high tech to do it all the better.. if not man and dog will do for now.

7. If you are illigal u have no rights, your children are not automatically US citizens if born here, and they can't go to school here... sorry this is harsh but u didn't play by the rules and u jumped the line.

8. Imagration.. we want educated ppl that can join the work force. Are your skills needed then come on over.. are u of good character, come on over..we welcome you

9. If you are a refugee in our country and commit a crime.. bye bye to you, back to where u started from.. sorry we have laws, you obey the law of this land or out u go.

10. Public transportation is lacking in our country. We need more of it.. clean public transportation. We can do it.

11. Schools.. there is no need for 10 weeks of summer vacation anymore.. 1 month summer vacation should be enough. We need the 3 R's plus good computer skills.. every child should be computer literate and not just for surfing the Internet.. they should learn to program, learn to build their own computer and learn what hardware to use for what. Music in our schools is important also. Let us not forget art. We need well rounded children, that are well educated to compete in this world. A foreign language should be taught starting in the first grade, or even Kindergarten. Our children should be bilingual even if English is the only language of the parents in the home.. investment in our kids pays off. one more thing.. get rid of junk food in school lunch... grease and fat is not what we want for our kids.
School uniforms for all children.. OK i think some might go nuts over this but it does create a level playing field for kids.. Jane can't wear her Juicy Couture to school while Patty has to wear K-Mart.

12. Community service.. each H.S student would be required to do 10 hours of community service per year... from planting flowers in the town center to reading stories to kids in Hospitals. If you want to do more hours great!

And that is it for now..oh wait.. one more thing... Every good owner of a Newfoundland Dog will receive a special discount on dog food, and vet services.. extra tax relief for slobber clothes and a free case of Magic Erasers. :D
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New member
So much of interest there..it would take me about 6 'pages' of my kind of nattering about..so will just say it is a good thing to put up..on the board..as many varied kinds of 'list' of what may improve the american society/culture/political climate/health/safety and all-other-points-inbetween, will help us all..focus/evaluate. We should..as a nation..strive to overcome the huge 'political zits'..we seem to have developed over the last about 18 years..and try to join with..other nations. My humble opinion is 'we'..have become bossy..upon the world stage..and need to ...clean up our act..first..however long..that..may take. ina n HB


New member
Susan....I agree with all except #1

And....#11 is already happening in a lot of areas as is #12 (here in MD they have community service as a requirement to graduate - or at least they do in the counties where my sons went to school).

And then there are some other "rules" I'd impose......if I was Queen! :lol:


New member
You had better talk to the Canadians and Europeans before you support socialized medicine....you can die waiting....literally.....Julie


Super Moderator
You had better talk to the Canadians and Europeans before you support socialized medicine....you can die waiting....literally.....Julie
I'm sorry but you are always criticising the Canadian health system:grrr:
Is there really NOT one American who dies because they can't afford medical insurance Julie?
Why do Americans come up to Canada to get cheaper medications?
Sorry but you really rile me on this subject.


New member
I am go glad we have a socialized healthcare system here in Canada. I wouldn't trade it for privatized medicine any day. I actively protest Alberta's attempts to privatize medical care. I detest any medical system where money buys you care and if you don't have the cash tough luck.


New member
#1 is just wrong. Even the "Father" of the canadian system has recently said it is a collassal failure.
#11. The best way to fix education is to privatise it. Take education out of the hands of government and DESTROY the teachers ubion and may actually start to educate children. Barely 50% of high school graduates have a basic understanding of the Declaration of Independence and the constitution.
School uniforms, Hmm? Here come the brown suits with their jack-boots. I don't think so.
#12. Make children "Slaves" to the state. No-way. Our country is based on individual freedom and the Government has no authority to require involuntary service to the state.

If I was President. I would implement the concepts contained in the Constitution of the United Staes. Period. If it ain't in there, it ain't happening.
As far as what the rest of the world thinks of us. They'll get over it. Our Governments responsability is to US. The French don't like it, they can go suck croisant.


Super Moderator
Lawdy! You mean we are all dead.
So, just answer this question, then I promise not to defend my country's health system any more!
How many people in the U.S. DO NOT have adequate medical insurance.


New member
I for one..have pretty much diddly over squat..and i pay about 97 dollers per month..for the umm..priv. If..like my male peers..I had gone the route of setting my own office, hiring staff and 'earning' the big bucks..I too..could live as they curr. do. What I found..was that many people of strong mental ability, good hearts and MASSIVE potential for the greater good..were not employed..at a level..to buy my services. Thus..I made a choice..and although poor by most of your standards..I am rich..in the knowlege that many young people..who needed help..in hours of pain/fear/crisis..were helped, over the last 47 years..and are now..moving upward..and also..making time, and space..to reachout..as I think I have done. Do I fear some of the times..coming at an aging person? Yes I do. I have a knee..that could use surgery..but..I am going to live with it..and die with it..as the amount of money..is rediculous. As I said..i made..MY choices..and I will not whine now..I will be wise as I can..and heal..what I can..and make do. America needs a totally revamped health care system..and I see others around my neighborhood..esp. now that jobs are being lost..and even with basic is it COBA (?)..they are falling through the cracks..already. it is sad. ina n HB
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New member
Nobody is denied services John? My experience here in Lane County , Oregon..says yes they are. Line up 50 of your closest family and friends..and then..I line up 50 of mine. Do they 'live a similar' life? I do not think so. If you could live your curr. life..on..lets say approx. 800 to 1,000..per month..could you? Doubtful. I can..and so could most of those..I would see here. We are..a 'world apart'..but we have all valued..a diff. life style. You and I..and those we may hold in our hearts..are not better-than, nor worse-than..we are simply..different-than..each other, and we all have value to our communitys..each in our own way. ina n HB


Active member
As someone who has lived in both the States and Canada, I can tell you that Canada's health care system may not be "Perfect" but it is far better than the "Big Business" of American health care. At least in Canada I didn't have to decide if what ails me is serious enough to warrrant the cost of the Doctor's visit. I have Heath Insurance and yet still pay a lot of out of pocket expenses.
And #12? My Daughter had to do so may hours of Community Service to graduate from High School. That was in Colorado! I saw nothing wrong with teaching our children the need to give back.


New member
You had better talk to the Canadians and Europeans before you support socialized medicine....you can die waiting....literally.....Julie
Windancer.. hello.. I live in Europe.. Norway in fact. You really don't know what you're talking about at all! I am living proof that the system works. Yeah if u brake a nail you have to wait.. something serious, your in the hospital in a flash. No hospital near you, well guess what... you are flown by helicopter or if you need a special hospital same thing.. u fly.. cost to you.. 0, null, nothing.

As a matter of fact I am also covered when i go home to the USA.. if something happens in the US it is paid for by Norway, If i don't want to be treated in the US i get flown back to Norway by Hospital Plane.. with attending Dr and nurse.

As for ppl being covered.. well maybe nobody saw the news of some poor women at Kings County Medical Center dying in the waiting room while two guards and staff ignored her on the floor 2x within one hour and the staff tried to cover it up.. the women was dead for an hour before anyone even bothered to look at her.. yeah good care huh ! All this caught on surveillance camara's.. with time stamp
This is not the first time either.. a few years ago video showed a women being dropped off by taxi at a shelter.. she was just thrown out of the cab in a hospital gown totally confused., why ? Her insurance ran out and the hospital disposed of her.. like a sack of garbage.. this was in California.

So please before you talk about things u have no knowledge of do your homework.

And all you Canadians.. High Five to ya !


New member
I am one of the ones who don't have health insurance
I tore my ankle one time on one of those concrete parking barriers and the store refused to even pay for me to take an x-ray. I didn't want to lose my house to pay for it myself. To this day, i am disabled in my leg. I can not get off the ground myself unless Tulsa helps me. I can not afford health insurance just like millions of Americans


New member
Each system has their advantages and disadvantages I guess, no matter where you go there will be stories about this old lady in a hospital bed waiting and dying for lack of treatment, but I have to say as a young person who has had many health problems in my youth and even now, I have NEVER had to wait too long for essential treatment, and never once did I have to pay.

3 operations to restore hearing in my ears as a child, tonsilectomy and many hours of hearing rehab.
2 Hearing aids paid for by the government so that I can continue to study.
over 4 hospitalizations every year until I was 14 for serious life threatening asthma and allergy attacks.

I would never move elsewhere, now i'm perfectly healthy, and while it's hard to find a family doctor sometimes, I'll deal with it, because if I or anyone else I know is dying, we'll get care in a timely fashion.

Yes.. the only time I was put on a waiting list was 9 months for a wrist surgery to restore full strength in my wrist after a construction accident.. The procedure was optional and I opted out.

I (or my family) would have been poor or bankrupt several times over to pay for my treatments, hospitalizations and medications as a child, I love the canadian system.


New member
I agree that our system needs to be revamped. But, I don't agree with National Health Care.

Susan....unfortunately the US and Norway aren't comparable due to size and the way the Government itself is set up. Now, if individual STATES wanted to adopt Health Care plans, that would be interesting.

I feel that a National Health Care plan run by the Federal Government would be an abysmal failure.

The US has a population of approximately 304 MILLION people. Canada's population is approximately 34 Million, and Norway's is approximately 5 Million.

Those numbers alone make a National Health Care system virtually unmanagable. And you think our Federal Government could do it? I can't even begin to imagine how it could work. I can imagine it being an incredibly huge fiasco.


Super Moderator
What is your conception of a National Health Care system?
Here (at least in BC. we pay for some services, eg. glasses, part of the cost of prescriptions, physiotherapy, chiropractor etc).

Judy, What happens if you get very sick and would need hospitalization? Would someone pay for you?

Lola's right, there is no perfect health care system in the world.


New member
What is your conception of a National Health Care system?
The Federal Government paying for and administering it. (Of course that means we'd pay for it, and the Feds would have this HUGE agency that would be so bogged down and messed up it would be a nightmare!)

We'd start out by the "working people" paying for it in a special tax. Say it would equate to 1% of their weekly salary. But then, that would quickly rise....because we all know that 1% isn't gonna cut it. So within 10 years, working people would be paying 15% of their weekly salary. And on and on it would go. Kinda like SS (FICA) Tax. It just kept going up and up.
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