Ideas needed, please


Active member
Hi all,
I have a ton of ribbons here that my wonderful Jesse won last year. Do you all have any creative ideas as to what I can do with these ribbons? I was thinking of buying a glass top coffee table and placing them in there but I'm not sure. I'm not a craftsy person at all so I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask for some ideas.


New member
Maybe you could buy just a glass top for either a coffee table or a the dining room table and lie them in all different patterns under neath. That way you could go in and change the pattern when ever you wanted. People would come in and say what is that... oh dog ribbons cool! We had a ton of swimming ribbons around here for years and the kids all had a ribbon wall in there bedrooms. Now they are in storage... :( memories.


New member
I've heard of putting together in some type of album and putting everything in there or some type of hanging picture frame or frame can prop in a bookcase.


New member
In a moment of much craziness, I had all of my Reserve Winners ribbons made into a lovely purple and white sweater. I can now honestly say that I am a Reserve Princess and have the walking ribbons to prove it!!!

Many times the bridesmaid but sometimes the bride!

ROM Newf

New member
I had thought of making a quilted wall hanging with the ribbons. To see what would happen if it needed cleaning, I washed one ribbon- All the gold printing and AKC seal washed off. I think another was accidently dry-cleaned and that one didn't hold up either. Final solution was putting each dog's ribbons in a manilla envelope. I think there are still some of the special rosettes hanging in what used to be Stacy's room.
You could put them on one of those french bulletin boards...I think that's what they're called! LOL It's a fabric covered board with ribbon criss crossed over it so you can tuck things inside it so you don't need push pins. They used to have them in the Pottery Barn catalog and I think I've seen them at Target.