I thought I was going to loose Boomer last evening!


Inactive Member
Boomer took one bite of his dinner and began to act funny. It was almost as if he was trying to get rid of something in his mouth. He began to choke and then he fell onto his side and started convulsing! It was awful. He started to salavate big time. I felt so helpless. I was the only one home with my one year old son. He began to scream because I was hysterical. My neighbor heard me and came running. He held my son as I called the vet. I was about to do the hymlic on Boomer thinking maybe he got something dislodged. He breathing became shallow and I thought he was going to die and I felt so helpless. Just as I approached him so I could get behind him to try and lift him to do the hymlic, he growled. I saw it as a good sign. He then got up. He was shaky on his feet at first. His breath smelled of blood from biting down on his tongue. He started to lick me in the face. I couldn't stop crying. We took him to the vet to get examined. The vet doesn't think it was a cardiac event nor does she think it was a neurological seizure. She thinks he must of choked. I asked her about the convulsions...it was awful to watch. She said they can have convulsions if they choke. I hardley slept a wink last night. Boomer slept on the bed with us. He seems fine today. Everytime I close my eyes, I see what happened last evening. Thanks for listening.


Inactive Member
Thanks Frank. I think all is well with Boomer. He's back to wrestling with Malia. I meant to mention in my above post that as we were driving home from the vets, Boomer was whining as if he had to go to the bathroom. We pulled into the parking lot at one of the beaches and he immediately headed straight to the ocean! I could hear my husband saying "No Boomer, we aren't going swimming today!" It was then that we figured that he got wind of the ocean and that's why he started to whine because he didn't go to the bathroom! LOL, typical newf huh?


Super Moderator
My heart goes out for you. I would have freaked out. Keep is posted. I am glad he is doing better. I would never think a dog would react like that to choking. Thanks for the information


Inactive Member
Oh that is so frightfully awful and scary. I would have just about had a heart attack there on the spot.

Rory had trouble getting out of the car today because her leash got tangled on the seatbelt buckle and I dropped everything and lunged for her because I was scared she was going to choke! (She didn't of course and then I spent the next few minutes looking for my keys in the dark on the grass). I can't imagine how I would have acted if I saw what you saw Boomer going through.

I'm glad he's okay now.
