huge newf


Inactive Member
I live in Colorado and it is rare to see another Newf but today at the dog park I met this lady with a six month old newf puppy that was huge. Aristotle is about 55 pounds and just turned four months old but this puppy was huge huge huge I am guessing he weighed atleast a 100 pounds. My puppy has been gaining an average of 5 pounds per week but I am having a hard imagining Aristotle getting that big that quick. Aristotle sire weighs 192 pounds so I have a pretty good idea on how big my puppy will get. Even though I swear I can see Aristotle grow on a daily bases it is still pretty hard for me to imagine him transforming that much in two months. I know puppies loose there puppy fur at six months, could it be the fur that is giving the illusion of the other puppy being so big? (feel free for input and stories)
Owen hit 100 pounds at around a year. He's now 21 mnths and is 119. Some dogs do grow faster than others...I know Owen had a period in there somewhere in the first year that was almost scary to see how much he grew in a short period of time. today after seeing him with a bunch of other Newfs I found that Owen is on the shorter side. Who knows what he'll be like at 3 years...I'd say the majority of his growing is done, but you never know. Each one is an individual and will grow at different rates.