Hot Chocolate!!!!!


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Last Sunday I went with 3 of my friends to run a race in Columbus OH called the Hot Chocolate. Everything is based on chocolate so who wouldn't want to run it? There are chocolate stations along the course and at the end of the race you get a cup of hot chocolate along with a chocolate fondue dip. You get marshmallows, banana, and other treats to dip in the fondue. Really good. They offer a 5K (3.1 miles) or a 15K (9.3 miles)course. I ran the 15K. When a course is made they measure the shortest possible distance, so if you run 5 ft off the edge of a curb you will increase your distance. My actual distance ran was 9.5 miles. Most of it was trying to run around people as well as taking turns wide. There were 14,000 people entered. Here is a photo of me as I cross the finish line.



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Just to add. One of my friends runs slow so we were going to stay together. We did the first 1/3 of the race in 40 minutes. After the 4 mile mark me and one other friend decided to just run it because going slower we were getting sore. (When you change your pace your stride changes and you get sore) We finished the race in 1 hour 50 minutes. Which was slow for a 15K but remember we ran 2/10 farther and a much slower pace at first. Last summer I ran another 15K and finished 1 hour 35 minutes.