Hospitals & Rehabs


Active member
Obviously nothing to do with newfs, has anyone experienced not being able to go to a hospital or rehab to visit with a loved one?


Active member
Not personally, but have had friends in that boat. I will say that my cancer clinic here allows one visitor to accompany the patient for check-ups. However, veterinary clinics will still not allow owners to accompany their pets in their clinics. Crazy. Had several friends take their pets for urgent problems, but they weren't allowed inside. Two of the pets died without their owners present to comfort them. Breaks my heart.


Super Moderator
No I haven’t had to experience that but am terrified my Newfs will get sick and I can’t be with them inside the vet clinic.


Active member
You have the ability to go in and see loved ones in the hospitals (when my Dad passed, I was not allowed to go) but the rehab places are still doing quarantines, doesn't make any sense. It's not like they haven't been repeatedly tested, unless you really can't rely on the tests? And yes, I'm being funny, this entire scam needs to be finished and people need to be with loved ones, if it's a furry family member or not...THIS IS JUST STOOOPID!!!