

New member
Has anyone ever heard of this? I took Wilbur to the vet today because had this little "thing" on the inside of his ear flap, didn't bother him but it did me. The vet said she was "cautiously optomistic" that is was a histiocytoma. She aspirated it and is sending it away for further exam. She said if that is what it is not uncommon in young dogs and will most likely just go away by itself. WELL, my head is telling me not to worry but I am. It has only been 2 months since we lost Brady and I just don't want anything to be wrong with Wilbur. He is so funny, full of life and just a happy "little" puppy. Wilbur is so different than either Brady or Tim at this age. He is just full of himself, he makes us laugh all the time. Maybe we are just more relaxed as he is our 3rd.


New member
Thank you for that Christine. The smear came back and it is the histiocytoma and will go away on its own. That is such a relief.


New member
Pat, our beloved golden also had a histiocytoma on the outside of his ear. Instead of aspirating it, the vet surgically removed it and it never grew back.