Hip dysplasia


Inactive Member
We took Tayla to the vet today as she has been limping on her front left leg for a little while now. The elbow xrays came back okay however her hip xrays showed signs of moderate hip displaysia particulary in her right hip. The vet seems to think she was limping as she was putting all of the pressure on her elbows to relieve the pain from her hips. She is nearly 15 months old.

We have now started on a life long course probably of cartrophen injections and a daily vitamen supplement called "sasha's blend". Hopefully with these precautions she may never need a hip replacements.

Has anybody else had any experience with hip dysplasia and if so how was it treated and did your dogs need an operation?.

I would really appreciate any info that anyone has.
Im soooo sorry to hear that. i also had a lab that had hip desplaza . and he was 6 years old .I had to keep him on the slim side because the extra weight is not good.we never had to have the surgery , but i know it is very expensive ,like two thousand five hundred each hip.but u know that doesnt mater because we will do anything to help our precious friends. do alot of reading on the subject my prayers are with you. Bridget


New member
Hip displaysia is NOT a death sentence!!!
i have worked at 2 different vet clinics, been working in dogs practically my whole life, i have seen dogs with NO balls on the end of the joint to fit into the hip, those dogs functioned just fine!!!
treat her normal, do normal things. most importantly suppliment.
mild displaysia is hardly anything to worry about.
2 Vit E 400 IU in the morning
1 Vit E " " " " " night time
GLUCOSAMINE/Chondrition, has been Proven by dog owners all over and by us humans who also take it to help repair and lubricate joints, shark cartilege also helps.
Vit C made for dogs so they can ingest it correctly.
Take care, and of course at this time treat her gently, but she will overcome and will do fine, i found the BIGGEST cause of painful joints is the big advances the housing industry has made with the AWFUL pergo/Laminant floors, slippery surfaces is not good for ANY breed of dog!
place rubber backed runners whereever your girls favorite places are to run, or lay in the house.
good luck! she will be fine


New member
No problems with our newfies yet (knock on wood) but our lab/spaniel mix started showing signs of hip dysplasia when she was a year old. Because she was having problems moving around, she also started gaining weight making it even more difficult to walk, climb stairs, hop up on the couch, etc. The vet started her on a glucosamine supplement (Cosequin) and within a couple weeks she was showing major signs of improvement. The weight started melting off and she was a much happier girl. She's now 5 years old and hasn't shown any further signs. We don't even need to give her the Cosequin but her food has extra glucosamine. I was so afraid that we were going to have to put her down, but there are a lot of options out there.


Inactive Member
Oh Nicole, I hope Tayla is ok. From what you've said it sounds relatively moderate, which is good.

So far Rory has no signs of this. Except maybe an occassional stiffness in getting up at times.

My Golden had bad hips, athritis, torn ligaments in the rear legs (one operated on, one left to its own devices as opearating was risky) - you name it, she had it! She had a long, happy life and still went up and down the stairs in our old house right up until she left us at almost 14.

Let me know if you want to get in contact with Michelle (breeder) as I have an e-mail address that is current as far as I know but if it isn't, I can probably locate one that is through someone else.


Inactive Member
I just wanted to thank all of you for your friendly and reassuring replies.

When the vet first told us Tay had hip dysplasia I was really concerned but thanks to all of you I am now feeling more confiedent that she will go on and lead a normal life.

Once agan Thanks.