High Praise for the Prong!


New member
prongs are super useful, and don't let ANYONE make you feel bad for employing a training technique that is working for your dog. No two dogs are the same, and some need other tools to keep both them and yourself safe. Other people have the right to not like them or use them, but no one has the right come down on you for your choice, so keep your head up and keep working at his training :)


New member
prongs are super useful, and don't let ANYONE make you feel bad for employing a training technique that is working for your dog. No two dogs are the same, and some need other tools to keep both them and yourself safe. Other people have the right to not like them or use them, but no one has the right come down on you for your choice, so keep your head up and keep working at his training :)

Absolutely agree!!! Couldn't have stated it better :)
