Hide and Go Seek


New member
Can I just say one more time that Hide and Go Seek with Ben is hilarious? I just have to mention it for anyone who may have not discovered this awesome rainy day activity. I throw a treat in one direction and run in the other. I really have to try not to laugh when he's RIGHT in front of me and can't see me. I usually crack up though and he gets the treat pretty fast.




Active member
That's a cool game! Although my Ben is always frantic when he can't find me, so it might not be much fun for HIM. :lol:

Another thing I've heard is to get your dog to chase you outside, then reverse quickly and run towards him/her, then turn and run away again, and keep that up.


New member
We play chase too--like "tag." But we always play it with a toy, otherwise Riv has a tendency to mouth.

We love hide and seek! We play with treats, toys, and each other. She's ecstatic when she finds us. We play it outside at the dog park--I'll wait until she's distracted and duck behind a tree "Come find!" It's done wonders for her recall, because she's always looking for me.

Another way we play is to name her toys, and then ask her to retrieve certain ones.

Bailey Boy

New member
I love love love playing hide and seek with my kids - Bailey picked up so well on it that he plays with Sarah :)

Annie and I played tag - she would bump me (tag) with her nose then take off running in the other direction.


New member
Haha - love it! My trainer, who has a lot of experience with australian shepards (not exactly Newfy-like) said never to chase or let him chase, but I can't help it. He chases me even if he has the toy though... basically won't let it go yet.

I always say "where's the momma?!" which I'm not so certain I'd want to yell out at the dog park. Shoulda picked "come find"!

I should tape it - thanks for the reminder to get that Flip camera I've been meaning to get!