Help with hiking


New member
I was hoping to get some feedback or some guidance with our hiking. I've got two dogs, my husband and my self. We live in a national forest with wonderful trails everywhere. Recently we've begun hiking. Now, my husband and Leo (collie mix) do just fine. Myself and Solo though lol . . . we'll, we're huffing and puffing away.

I was wondering if there was an easy way to get us both in condition to keep up with the others. We live at 6,000 ft. Our hikes thus far are anywhere from 1-4 miles. Usually from 20 min to 2 hours (depending on how many stops I take lol) So! Any suggestions??


Inactive Member
I've been there, and back again and I feel your pain! I am only 5'2" to boot with very short legs even at that. 10 years in the Army and other activities have left their mark. Doing what your doing will eventually do the trick, but if you wanted, and if you are more ambitous than me, you can add weight to both of you. Gradual but consistent increase of weight will make your un-weighted walks feel like a cake to speak.

Be careful of course, and dont' do more than either of you can handle. Short workouts with weight build muscle quickly where aerobic alone will not. Best of luck to you! D'Artagnan and I are going through the same conditioning in our quest to get on with a local SAR.

PS I wanted a newfie because I thought that was one dog that might almost be the same speed as me!


New member
Thank you for your reply! I'm hoping that we will get in better condition as the summer goes along. We hike about four days a week now but I decided we could walk "around the block" on the off days ("around the block" is 1.5 miles) Wouldn't you know it but that was harder than the trail hiking??? My shins are killing me! I guess Keep Moving comes to mind in all this


Inactive Member
I used to get shin splints but I have found that high quality hiking books have virually eliminated that nightmare. Best of luck to you! I have managed to loose five lbs since the begining of May, so I figure it can only get easier....right?? lol :D


New member
Congrats on the weight loss! I'm really hoping for that. In 2002, I lost 15 pounds. Then in August that year, I quit smoking (after 21 years! eek!) Well, I gained the 15 back and another 15 as punishment lol ;)

About the shin splints. Is there any way to ease that pain? After only about 1/2 mile, I'm already thumping along with sore shins. I can change to my better shoes (I really only take care with the hiking portion for good shoes right now). But is there a stretch or something?


Inactive Member
Contrats on the smoking ceasation! Way to go!

I have always been told to take anti flammatories for shin splint, before and after excersize. Besides that, good shoes are the best prevention.

I also saw a physical therapist who told me to use rubber physical therapy bands to stretch from my toes to a chair leg or something, then pull my toes towards me. Hard to explain but simple excersize.