Help! wet food for dogs with heart disease


New member
This is for a non-newf but for my mom's special fur girl Reba(springer age 13) Reba has congestive heart failure and is on medication doing pretty well. She was eating dry food from S/D for heart and kidney disease--but she has lost so many teeth it has become quite a problem and she isn't able to chew--my mom softens her food with a low sodium gravy but it is clear she needs a softer wet food. (She is not over weight) Her vet said there is no such wet food..I can't believe there isn't something that is low sodium, potassium etc.. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.


New member
MB....just soak the kibble overnight in enough water to generously cover. I use a 3lb coffee can...It will be nice and soft by morning, and you can heat it slightly in the microwave to add to the will keep a day or too in the fridge.


New member
thanks you guys! Hopefully she will eat it that way, she is pretty spoiled and sassy.. Donna, I thought I had came across SD KD in a wet food glad it wasn't my imagination;)... Julie that's a good idea to try..:)