Help Test next week


Inactive Member
Remi has got his test next Wednesday by the evaluator for Therapy training and he is doing awesome EXCEPT accepting a friendly stranger and accepting petting. He is so friendly that he goes bonkers when we practiced the test last night. I put him in a down, because he was breaking the sit to love all over them. He has been doing so good and now on the 7th week he was acting like a silly puppy. I'm afraid we won't pass if he does this because I'm not showing I can control him as the handler. I put my hand in his martingale collar and the instructor had me correct him last night. She even had 4 or 5 people come up and take turns greeting him with me correcting everytime he tried to bathe them with his tongue. He was really cute and sweet and this would have been funny IF he wasn't supposed to be listening to me and behaving himself. Do you guys have any tips for me to practice or we may flunk the test next week?


Super Moderator
Get there plenty early and let him get all this out of his system. Take him for a long long walk. A tired dog is a good dog.