Heavy Ear Wax


New member
Miss Venus has a lot of Ear wax. Can clean them every day, using ear cleaner stuff. Fur just below ear opening gets wax build up. What type or kind of cleaner breaks down wax, so can be removed. Even when we washer, we use Dawn just on wax hair area, it doesn't really get all.


New member
Fur just below ear opening gets wax build up.
I always keep that hair under the ear flap cut real short. Allows air to circulate better and the waxy buildup doesn't happen. You could try wiping the ear with diluted apple cider vinegar....4:1 ratio of water to vinegar.

Peter Maniate

New member
Sounds like Miss Venus needs an ear flush. It is done just as it is for humans like me who have excess wax build up. Any vet tech or human nurse can do it. First time, let a professional do it but watch and learn and then you can do it in future as needed.


New member
Sounds like Miss Venus needs an ear flush. It is done just as it is for humans like me who have excess wax build up. Any vet tech or human nurse can do it. First time, let a professional do it but watch and learn and then you can do it in future as needed.
Wax build up not in ear, on fur. We have flushed the ears. Skin side of ear flap has light coating of wax. We use ear wipes and add ear clear to wipe, that gets ear clean.


New member
cut the fur below the ear short, and the next time you bath, get some plain old dawn and work it directly into the waxy area and scrub until it's clean. cheap and works pretty well. keeping the hair short helps a ton.


New member
cut the fur below the ear short, and the next time you bath, get some plain old dawn and work it directly into the waxy area and scrub until it's clean. cheap and works pretty well. keeping the hair short helps a ton.
We have been trying to cut hair. She has VERY tickley ears and get back foot going and tilts head down. My wife is afraid of cutting her and uses comb as guard, but Venus moves head before you can cut hair.


New member
i use a de-matting comb and 'cut' the hair in that are that way. anyway, it sounds like a normal amount of wax build up for long hair under the ear. either wash it off, or trim the hair to keep the area clean and nice smelling. find a way, like the kong idea or laying her down.


Super Moderator
Wax build up not in ear, on fur.
If there is wax on the fur it has to be in the ear. A dog's ear canal makes a 90 degree turn so you don't know what is on the other side of that bend. Flushing will remove all the wax in all the canal not just want can be seen.

I bought a flushing system from my vet. The exact one she uses. She taught me how to use it. One work of advise. Just be sure your dog does not have another issue, such as a busted ear drum. Flushing something like that can cause permanent damage.