Has anyone done agility with a newf?


New member
We are going to take Baby to Agility training. I would like to take Boagie as well but I want to make sure it will be ok for her joints and hips. Anyone have any thoughts or comments?


Super Moderator
Gracie does agility. She is the only Newf out of 5 I've had that does it. She is only 90 lb, 24 1/2" at the shoulder, hips and elbows sound and extremely fast. She has no fear of any of the equipment.
I wouldn't do it with any Newf who isn't sound (that is on xray hips and elbows clear) and I don't think I would try a large Newf. If she ever gets as far as trials then I would put her in "specials" where she only had to jump 16" (this is Canada, don't know rules in the US).
She loves it, it's fun.
Hope this helps in your decision. You know your dog, it's up to you to decide


Super Moderator
Sam loves agility. I have not shown her in a couple of years, but according to AKC year end finals printed in June 2000, she was tied for #1 in the country in Newfoundland Novice A Standard Agility. Just had to brag.

Now Sam is 27" and weighs about 112 lbs. I plan to start her again this year. I kinda frowned on AKC because she had to jump 24" but now they have a new class where she can jump 20". I was worried about the stress on her front end jumping that high, so that is why we stopped. At the age of 4 she is considered a vetern in CPE which allows a lower jump height. UKC allows newfs jump one height lower due to their bulk.

Conditioning is very important. Swimming is the best exercise to build up those muscles. In practice don't jump your newf at the full height all the time. Remember to make the training exercises fun. Most can be done a lower heights and they can learn as much, such as footwork, judging distance to jump, go outs, spot and pacing themselves. The most important thing for you to remember is. Your newf is much bigger than all those other agility dogs so you will need to allow time for extra wide turns and set up for a longer stride to the jumps or contact obstacle.

It is fun, just enjoy!!!


New member
at what age did you start her? Baogie is 9 and a half months. we have not had her exrayed yet but Lee, our vet says she feels very sound and she is very active on her own (will jump over the couch rather than go around it). When should we get the exrays anyway. i kinda figured if she is showing no signs of displasia to hold off until she was at least a year.