Happy Independance Day


New member
Our hearts rejoice with yours today!!!
Free citizens of Iraq dancing in the streets of Baghdad in a celebration of liberation April 9, 2003

*this ones for you, Lisi*
gotta love them Fig Newtons!!Good Bless The Brave Men & Women Of The Operation Iraqi Freedom Coalition!

God Bless The Citizens of Iraq!
and finally, a message to the anti-war protesters from the FREE people of Iraq:

Ok well you get the point, i cant figure out why some of these are not posting, but this was made by a friend of mine, i thought i would pass it on!

Greg L

New member

I thing the little girl with the flag was from down south. I saw that picture a couple of days ago. Not that the sentiment isn't appropriate, it just wasn't from yesterday.

The guys with the human shield banner is great. They apparently took it from a couple of shields (they were holding it to show the world how much they cared :rolleyes: ) and added their own thoughts to the top and bottom. :D
