Happy Herbal Glory


New member
OK I was a full blown skeptic on all this holistic and herbal stuff, man was I wrong, our Glory is a changed dog, shes taking the herbs and accupucture and is lookin like a puppy,her skin is a soft pink , her allergies,well no sign of out breaks, her breath smells good and she dont stink 2 days after her bath,we think we've licked the yeast from within.Her ears stay clean and shes soooo friskie.She is still limping but walking much better,at 10 yrs old,shes feelin great.Just wanted to let everyone know if the conventional stuff dont work, its worth trying something else...I know its not for everyone but after all this old girl has been threw we tried it and found it to be the best for her,just like chicken soup for humans is good well heres to old fashion remedies Erika


New member
Stopping in long enough to say good for you and congratulations! It doesn't work for everyone but I am soooo happy to hear herbs worked for you!

Would you mind sharing with us what you have done?



New member
I sure would like to share,will give ya the names of the stuff this evening, off to work right now..catch ya tonight


New member

I would be very interested in knowing what herbs you used. I am a "big" believer in natural fixes. Congratulations on exploring something new and having it work so well.


New member
After having several newfs with allergies and other problems, I swiched to Herbals and natural and what a difference.

Wendy Volhard seminar about the Holistic Approach was one of the best seminars I ever attended and learned so much. If you ever have the chance to go you should. To Bad more people don't try the natural approach.

Sometimes you have to go the conventional route but give the Natural a chance first.


New member
well I'm hooked on it all now , have switched vets for all 5,Glo's allergys are almost non existent,well I'm sure she still has them but no suffering with out breaks and stuff.This new vet can do conventional stuff too but only will when necessary..she started her practice in an RV doing house calls for pets, she does home visits too but has an old house she converted to her wellness center, too cool huh.all her patients are mostly by word of mouth....what i like most is she stops and talks to not only the owner but the dog too......very impressive to us