Hair coat differences


New member
I have noticed a huge difference in the coats of my 2 newfs. One is landseer the other is black. Is there really that much difference in the coats of the different colors or is it just a per dog thing? Or is it just that Maggie (landseer) is only 10 mths old so she doesnt have her full adult coat like Jo Jo (black) does? One big thing I've noticed (since we finally have snow now) that JoJo's feathering goes all the way down to her paws, where Maggies stops at her knees. So when JoJo comes in she has snowball feet and legs where Maggie doesnt. I ended up trimming JoJo's legs up to her knees cuz I was afraid she would hurt herself sliding through the kitchen on all that clumped up snow, since she never comes in at anything slower than a trot!!
Just curious.....
